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Monday, December 31, 2012

Ringing in 2013

Hi All!

Thanks to everyone who participated in the 25 Days of Christmas Giveaways series!  All together, more than 35 people won some pretty awesome prizes.  Many of the prizes totaled more than $100!  I hope you all enjoyed learning about some new natural companies you can trust.  If you didn't win something this time around, stay tuned...  We have many more giveaways coming in 2013!

A quick note -- today is the last day to take advantage of the 30% SALE on the Season's Eatings holiday e-cookbook.  Download here today for only $9.99!  You won't see this sale again!

After all that hard work in December, I'm a little burnt out from blogging.  We have also been working basically 24/7 on finishing the buildout and set up of our new health center clinic space.  It's so exciting, we are almost ready to open and start serving our Greensboro community!!

I will be back soon refreshed and with lots of new recipes to share!  I have a list about 20 long to post!!  And, my hubby got me a new camera for Christmas, so we can all look forward to some (hopefully) better photography coming to Healing Cuisine...as soon as I figure out how to work all the settings.  : )

Coming up this week, I'll be answering some tooth and dental care questions AND sharing some new recipes we enjoyed this Christmas.  I still have to share my Cherry Crumble Bars recipe we enjoyed at Thanksgiving, too..  Lots of healthy food inspiration coming your way!

I hope you all have a safe and fun time ringing in the New Year.  We'll be having a quiet night at home with our boy and some homemade healthy food.  We're looking forward to relaxing with the fire and praising God for all the gifts he has given us this past year.  Here's to 2013 and all the blessings waiting for us!  Happy New Year to you and yours!

xoxo    Elise

Monday, December 24, 2012

25 Days of Christmas Giveaways: Day 25 from Tropical Traditions

It's Christmas Eve!  I hope you each have a wonderful Christmas full of God's blessings!  Enjoy your time together with family and friends.  God is so good to us!

Today is our final giveaway, Day 25, from Tropical Traditions.  This is another favorite source of mine for high quality organic coconut oil.  Tropical Traditions is the Gold Label coconut oil as they create their coconut oil (and all products) with the highest quality standards.

Tropical Traditions Gold Label coconut oil is virgin coconut oil, unrefined, and USDA certified organic.  This coconut oil is the good stuff, in the most raw natural state possible.  You can read here more details on where they get their coconuts from and how they turn them into coconut oil.  Very interesting and detailed.  It answers a lot of questions you might have about where does coconut oil come from?  I also liked reading their detailed page about where to buy coconut oil.  They explain what to look for on the label and why.

Tropical Traditions sent me a quart size jar of their Gold Label coconut oil to sample and review.  You all know how much I love my coconut oil.  We talk about it so often here at Healing Cuisine.  I am used to using Tropical Traditions in my kitchen.  I love the taste and texture of it.  It's easy to spoon out of the jar even in solid form.  The taste is very mild coconut flavor.  It doesn't overpower dishes.  That's how you know if a coconut oils is truly unheated and unrefined.  The taste is the most noticeable factor to tell if you are eating truly unrefined and unheated coconut oil or not.  If it has a strong coconutty flavor or even a rancid taste that you can't get past, that's how you know your coconut oil has been damaged/heated or refined.

Gold Label Virgin Coconut Oil - 32 oz.
Win 1 quart of Gold Label Virgin Coconut Oil today!!

Tropical Traditions is America’s source for coconut oil. Their Gold Label Virgin Coconut Oil is hand crafted in small batches by family producers, and it is the highest quality coconut oil they offer. You can read more about how virgin coconut oil is different from other coconut oils on their website: What is Virgin Coconut Oil?
You can also watch the video they produced about Gold Label Virgin Coconut Oil:

Tropical Traditions also carries other varieties of affordable high quality coconut oil. Visit their website to check on current sales, to learn about the many uses of coconut oil, and to read about all the  advantages of buying coconut oil online. Since the FDA does not want us to discuss the health benefits of coconut oil on a page where it is being sold or given away, here is the best website to read about the health benefits of coconut oil.

I used my sampling of their Gold Label coconut oil to make a couple batches of my "Candy Cane" Macaroons.  They turned out wonderfully and the coconut oil did the perfect job as the binding agent in these cookies.  We also enjoy frying our eggs in the coconut oil.  Coconut oil can handle high temperatures without burning, so it is the perfect oil to do all of your cooking and frying with.  My husband is a big fan of his eggs fried in coconut oil.  He loves the slightly nutty taste the coconut oil gives the eggs.  Add a little sea salt and I'm set.  We also add a few tablespoons of coconut oil to our hot coffee.  We blend it in the blender until mixed and frothy.  No need to spend money on lattes anymore!  Try it, you'll love the taste and the creaminess the coconut oil adds to your coffee!  I'm still working my way through the rest of the quart of coconut oil.

Tropical Traditions coconut oil is also great outside of the kitchen.  I use it as my body lotion, body lotion for my infant, lip moisturizer, hair conditioner, and eye makeup remover.  I also use it as my base to make homemade toothpaste.

Tropical Traditions is giving away a 1 quart jar of their Gold Label coconut oil to one lucky USA or Canada winner!  Enter below using the Rafflecopter widget.  Good luck!  And Merry Christmas to each one of you! Thank you for sticking with me through these 25 Days of Giveaways!  : )

Tropical Traditions provided me with a free sample of their quart size Gold Label Coconut Oil to review, and I was under no obligation to review it if I so chose.  Nor was I under any obligation to write a positive review or sponsor a product giveaway in return for the free product.  If you order by clicking on any of my links and have never ordered from Tropical Traditions in the past, you will receive a free book on Virgin Coconut Oil, and I will receive a discount coupon for referring you.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

25 Days of Christmas Giveaways: Day 24 from Zevia

Congrats to Al P. on winning Day 22's gift of the 10 piece natural stevia assortment from Stevita Stevia!

Two days left of giveaways, including today.  On Day 24 I thought it appropriate to give away a 24 pack of Zevia natural soda!

If you're new to Zevia, the company makes 15 different flavors of natural zero calorie soda pop WITHOUT the use of synthetic or chemical sweeteners.  I think it's neat to read about how the company started in 2007 and follow its progression since.  They only started with three flavors!  And now they have branched out to make 15 different flavors to quench your cravings for other (unmentionable) unhealthy sugar-filled brands.  Zevia uses both stevia and erythritol (a zero calorie sugar alcohol) to sweeten its sodas, producing a zero glycemic affect product that tastes great!

Their flavor list includes: Cherry Cola, Lime Cola, Strawberry, Cola, Caffeine Free Cola, Black Cherry, Cream Soda, Grape, Grapefruit Citrus, Ginger Root Beer, Lemon Lime Twist, Orange, Dr. Zevia, Mountain Zevia, and Ginger Ale.  I have tried almost every single flavor from Zevia.  They are all equally outstanding in taste and quality.  If I had to pick favorites, my go-tos are usually Ginger Root Beer, Ginger Ale, or Cream Soda.  If you are in to fruit flavored sodas, the Grape, Orange, and Strawberry are all SO GOOD!  I rotate which I bring home with me from the store.  If you're looking to switch from drinking diet cola to avoid the artificial sweeteners, Zevia's cola options will help you kick the habit.  We actually recommend Zevia's colas to our patients all the time as a healthier option to cutting the chemicals out of your life.

Please note that Zevia does use the sugar alcohol erythritol in all of their flavors.  Their cans are lined with BPA plastic lining.  For Dave and me, we enjoy Zevia on occasion, around once or twice a month at most.  We personally try to avoid BPA whenever possible and we try to limit our consumption of sugar alcohols.  We do, however, still enjoy a soda from time to time and Zevia is our soda of choice.

Also, for those of you who have wondered in the past, yes we do drink alcohol occasionally.  We will use Zevia as our base soda for mixed drinks (e.g. rum and 'coke', moscow mule, dragonfly, happy skipper, ginger mint julep).

You can purchase Zevia at your local health foods store or online at Amazon.com.  Ask your store if you can order in bulk to save.  Often we can get 10-20% off on an order of a case or more.  Also, click this link for money saving coupons for Zevia!  Every penny counts, right?  : )

Enter to win a 24 pack flavor assortment of 12 of Zevia's top flavors!  One USA winner will receive two each of the following flavors: Cola, Caffeine Free Cola, Black Cherry, Cream Soda, Grape, Grapefruit Citrus, Ginger Root Beer, Lemon Lime Twist, Orange, Dr. Zevia, Mountain Zevia, and Ginger Ale.  Good luck!  Enter the giveaway below in the Rafflecopter widget.

And a very blessed Christmas Eve to each one of you!  Enjoy the anticipation and celebrations!


Enter to win a 24 pack flavor assortment from Zevia!  This giveaway will last 24 hours, from midnight EST on Sunday December 23rd until 11:59pm EST the same day.  Entering is easy!  Simply follow the various options below in the Rafflecopter widget window.  This Zevia giveaway is open to continental U.S.A. residents only.  There will be one winner.  The winner will be contacted and confirmed within 48 hours after the giveaway ends.  All entries are verified via Rafflecopter.

Come back tomorrow for our final giveaway as part of the 25 Days of Christmas Giveaways series!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Saturday, December 22, 2012

25 Days of Christmas Giveaways: Day 23 from Copy-Kids

Congrats going out to our two winners of Day 21's giveaway from The Organic Whey.  Marissa N. and Holly H. are each the winners of a pouch of The Organic Whey protein powder.  Enjoy them, ladies!  This is my favorite source for pure whey protein!

Today's giveaway has been a pleasant help in my home.  It's so funny, I have had this conversation with a few other Maximized Living moms....  When we're pregnant and already living such a healthy, green, sugar-free life we tell ourselves, "Oh, our kids will never get hooked on sugar.  They'll eat their green veggies and love them.  They'll be begging us to eat vegetables."  Well... It's time I publicly admit my 15 month old son has quite the sweet tooth.  It's often very hard to get him to eat his vegetables with lunch or dinner.  Or he'll eat a few bites, then opt to throw around the rest of his meal on the walls and floor.  The other moms I have compared notes with have had the same issues.  We want the best for our child.  We want our child(ren) to be the Super Baby they were destined to be!  But sometimes we need to laugh at ourselves and roll with the punches.

Today's company has really helped with the veggie eating issues Austin has been having in the past 5 months.  The company is called Copy-Kids, and they make a fabulous DVD designed to help young children get excited to eat their fresh vegetables and fruits.  Copy-Kids sent me a copy of their DVD to sample and review.  It is such a cute production.  I enjoy sitting down to watch it with Austin!

This is the first DVD in the Copy-Kids series, launched in January 2012 (just a baby itself!).  It focuses on Fruits & Vegetables.  Copy-Kids wanted to design a video that encourages positive habits in young children.  They acheive this by having our children watch and copy other kids eating the fruits and vegetables that we so want them to enjoy.  Copy-Kids unique take on healthy eating helps parents get their children hooked on healthy and positive habits at an early age.

This DVD is for children aged 6 months to 5 years.  The Copy-Kids DVD features 12 individual 7 minute chapters, one for each of twelve fruits & veggies: bell pepper, carrot, raspberry, avocado, broccoli, cucumber, blueberry, apples, tomatoes, strawberry, banana, and orange.  Each clip cycles through two or three children eating and enjoying the fruit/veggie that you select.  It's simply put together, and very intimate so your child feels like they are right there at the table with the children on the screen. (Read more about What Is Copy-Kids?)

When you put in the Copy-Kids DVD, it gives you the option to choose the type of food you are giving your child (e.g. broccoli, carrots, bell peppers).  What I do is place a plate of whichever veggie in front of my child, then turn on the DVD and select the same food.  It usually takes a minute or two, but Austin warms up to the children on the screen who are eating the same vegetable that he sees in front of him.  He smiles as he watches the kids eating their vegetable.  Then, I watch in amazement every time, he eats a few bites of his vegetable just as the kids on the DVD did.  Austin says “Mmmmm” and almost always finishes the whole plate as he watches.  Thanks to Copy-Kids, Austin is noticeably more excited and willing to at least try his vegetables even when not playing the DVD with is meal.  The power of kids wanting to copy other kids is so amazing!!  It really works!

If you get the chance to watch the Q&A at the end with the video's creator, Dr. Jay Gordon, pay attention to the answers he gives.  They ask some great questions that go in depth in to why organic is best for children, the best ages to start solid foods, why it's important to not start a "reward system" for eating veggies, and much more great information!  I am very impressed by the nutritional philosophy of Dr. Gordon and the mission behind this DVD.  It fits right in line with all of my values and everything I try to produce for children here at Healing Cuisine.

You can read more about Copy-Kids in the news and from other moms here on their press page. Why didn't I learn about this DVD sooner?  Seems like many many many other moms have discovered the power of Copy-Kids! 

If you've got a picky eater under your roof, I highly recommend giving Copy-Kids a try!  Start using this DVD while your kids are young, and healthy eating will never be a problem!  : )

You can purchase Copy-Kids from their website or on Amazon.com.

Copy-Kids is giving away a copy of their outstanding children's DVD.  You can enter to win in the Rafflecopter widget below.  Good luck!  This giveaway is open to USA & CANADA!!


Enter to win a bag of 50 Load Laundry Soda from Nellie's All-Natural!  This giveaway will last 24 hours, from midnight EST on Sunday December 16th until 11:59pm EST the same day.  Entering is easy!  Simply follow the various options below in the Rafflecopter widget window.    This Nellie's All-Natural giveaway is open to continental U.S.A. and Canada residents only.  There will be one winner.  The winner will be contacted and confirmed within 48 hours after the giveaway ends.  All entries are verified via Rafflecopter.

Just TWO more giveaways remain after today.  Please come back tomorrow for a chance to win a new prize!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Friday, December 21, 2012

25 Days of Christmas Giveaways: Day 22 from Stevita

We have a winner of the DAGOBA Organic Chocolates 10 piece gift package.  Congratulations to Chelsea L.!  Enjoy those chocoaltes, Chelsea!

On to Day 22!  Today is my favorite source for stevia.  You've heard me mention this brand and possibly caught my rants on the Facebook Page now and again.  I use the Stevita Stevia brand in all of my recipes.

Stevita makes the purest and most potent stevia I have been able to find.  They grow their stevia plants on organic and environmentally friendly farms in Brazil and import their products into America.  What sets Stevita apart from every other brand of stevia I have tried is the potency of their products.  They use 95-98% pure steviosides in the making of their stevia liquids and powders.  The steviosides is what supplies that sweet taste to our tongue.  All other brands I have tried (and I'd estimate it's been 10 other brands in the last 5 years) have fallen short in taste and potency.  Most brands you can find at the store only use 40-85% steviosides.  The lack of pure steviosides is what gives you that bitter taste when using stevia.  You won't get a bitter aftertaste with Stevita's products.

I personally use the Spoonable Stevita Stevia in my baking (get the big container to save you some cash).  Their pure stevia powder is blended with natural vegetable-sourced erytritol (a zero glycemic sugar alcohol) for easy measuring and mixing while baking.  I also have the Stevita Supreme on hand for baking or quick "sugar bowl" needs like oatmeal.  It is a blend of their pure stevia powder with birch-sourced xylitol.  Again, easier measuring and you can easily take a spoonful and add it to your dish without going overboard in sweetness.  For pure stevia, I use Stevita's liquid.  I buy it in the big bottles to get the most bang for my buck.  They also make a great pure stevia powder, but for me it's really hard to bake with such a concentrated powder form.  I find it easier to count the drops from the liquid bottle.  But either option is available to you!

Stevita has given a great give package for one of you to win as part of our 25 Days of Christmas Giveaways!  They have included some of their flavored gums (mint and cinnamon) -- love their gum!  They flavor it naturally with essential oils and add xylitol for tooth and gum health.  You'll also receive a pack of their Stevita Supreme packets and 5 bottles of their liquids including plain, chocolate, vanilla, peach and toffee!  I looove using their flavored liquids in my coffees, tea, or smoothies.  So good!  You've got to try the toffee in your coffee with a little coconut milk.  Yummo!!

You can purchase Stevita Stevia for yourself at your local co-op or health foods store (most natural minded stores carry the Stevita brand now) or you can find all of their products on Amazon.com.

And now for the giveaway!  Enter below.  It'll be pretty easy to get in your entries this time.  Stevita is mostly based in Brazil and they don't have much USA social media set up.  We'll have one winner from the USA announced tomorrow!


Enter to win a 10-piece gift set from Stevita Stevia!  This giveaway will last 24 hours, from midnight EST on Friday December 21st until 11:59pm EST the same day.  Entering is easy!  Simply follow the various options below in the Rafflecopter widget window.  This Stevita Stevia giveaway is open to continental U.S.A. residents only.  There will be one winner.  The winner will be contacted and confirmed within 48 hours after the giveaway ends.  All entries are verified via Rafflecopter.

We only have 4 days left of prizes!  Be sure to come back tomorrow and EVERY DAY through December for a chance to win a new prize!  You can win multiple times, so please don't be shy to come back!

 a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thursday, December 20, 2012

25 Days of Christmas Giveaways: Day 21 from The Organic Whey

Congratulations to Rachel B. on winning the 2 piece stainless steel set from Eco Vessel.  That's an awesome prize Rachel!  I think you'll really enjoy the Boulder Bottle!

Can you believe it?  Only 5 more giveaways as part of our 25 Days series!  Thanks to everyone for your participation and support through this series.  I am so happy for everyone who has won prizes!  Today's prize is another awesome one from a company who has had presence here at Healing Cuisine in the past.

Almost two years ago, I filled you in on my favorite whey protein brand, The Organic Whey.  This is the best quality grass fed protein I have been able to find.  I love the taste, but most importantly I love how pure and high quality the whey is.

The Organic Whey protein powder is certified organic, from 100% grass fed cows, BGH-free, and gluten-free.  Their whey protein is also free of food colorings, preservatives, sugar, additives, flavorings, and anything artificial.  It is 100% organic whey protein powder.  That's it.  No other ingredients added. And that's why I love it so much.  It's so versatile!  You can flavor it however you want in smoothies, or use it easily in baked goods without an overpowering vanilla/chocolate/berry flavor coming through.  If you mix it plain with almond milk, or even water, it has a slightly sweet taste and tastes almost like milk.  Dave finds it very enjoyable as is and will have that after his workouts.  I prefer to shake it up with some Dynamic Greens and I'm good to go.

Another unique point I need to make about The Organic Whey is the way they process it.  They take great care in assuring the whey protein is kept as raw as possible.  Of course in order for it to be sold legally, it must go through pasteurization.  They do this at the lowest heat temperature possible to keep the proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals intact through the minimal processing required by law.  You can't find this anywhere else!  The Organic Whey is the rawest form of whey protein I have been able to find.  And remember, raw is a good thing.  You want to eat your food the closest to how God put it on the earth for you.  You'll probably find you can digest The Organic Whey more easily.  And you'll definitely notice a better taste!  Pure product equals better taste every time!

You can order The Organic Whey from their website or on Amazon.com.  They recently introduced a new size - 1.5 lb bags.  You'll save money that way and it reduces waste!  AND, they are hosting a giveaway of their own right now.  If you sign up for their newsletter, you'll have a chance to win a 6 month supply of The Organic Whey protein!

Today, they are giving away one 12 ounce pouch each to TWO WINNERS!  That's right, you have double the chance to win some The Organic Whey!  Enter below.  Good luck all!  : )


There will be two winners selected!  Enter to win a 12 ounce pouch of The Organic Whey protein!  This giveaway will last 24 hours, from midnight EST on Thursday December 20th until 11:59pm EST the same day.  Entering is easy!  Simply follow the various options below in the Rafflecopter widget window.  This The Organic Whey giveaway is open to continental U.S.A. residents only.  There will be two winners.  The winners will be contacted and confirmed within 48 hours after the giveaway ends.  All entries are verified via Rafflecopter.

We only have 5 days left of prizes!  Be sure to come back tomorrow and EVERY DAY through December for a chance to win a new prize!  You can win multiple times, so please don't be shy to come back!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

25 Days of Christmas Giveaways: Day 20 from DAGOBA Organic Chocolates

Our Day 18 winner of a yummy 4 pack of Essential Eating Sprouted Foods is Marcella F.!  Congrats lady!  I hope your family enjoys the healthy meals to come.  : )

What's Christmas without a little chocolate?  Actually, what's a day without a little chocolate?  Can I get an Amen??

Today I am sharing my #1 source for chocolate: DAGOBA Organic Chocolate.  DAGOBA makes high quality, Rainforest Alliance Certified, and Certified Organic chocolate products.  I love everything about DAGOBA from their clean and perfect products to the way they do business.  Their mission is to craft deeply satisfying chocolate in a socially responsible way.  100% of Dagoba products are made with cacao from Rainforest Alliance Certified farms.  This ensures the highest quality of both environmental and economic sustainability in all products.  In sourcing its ingredients, the DAGOBA company forged partnerships with cacao growers and their communities, encouraging farmers to grow organic crops.  In Oregon, the DAGOBA factory honors the earth's limited resources by reducing energy consumption, using recyclable packaging and striving for zero waste from farm to consumer.

It's important not to skimp on your source of chocolate in your home, both for the environment and for the purity of the chocolate you're putting into your family's mouths.  DAGOBA is my personal go-to brand.  Everything they make is delicious and pure!  They don't use any filler ingredients and don't water down their chocolate with oils or chemicals.  And as I just told a puzzled woman in the chocolate aisle at the store last week, if it's got the DAGOBA name on it you know it'll taste good!

DAGOBA is a staple in my pantry.  I get this question a lot -- what do I use for chocolate chips in my baked goods?  You guessed it, DAGOBA.  I buy their 5lb bags of 74% Chocolate Drops.  If I'm out of their Chocolate Drops, I'll chop up a dark chocolate bar, either the 74% or 87% ones usually.

This raises the second most popular question I receive -- why do I recommend using 73+% chocolate and what makes it approved for the Advanced Plan?  The more dark the chocolate, the less added sugar, milk, and other ingredients. You want to eat chocolate that is the closest to pure cacao (100% dark chocolate) as possible. A range of at least 73% to 90% cacao in dark chocolate, in my opinion, is still tasty enough to eat on its own.  That is why I recommend the 73+% in all of my recipes.  To find out which chocolate is okay on the Advanced Plan, I compare the amount of sugar in a 2 ounce serving of the chocolate bar to a handful of blueberries (the lowest sugar berry).  70% chocolate or lower has too many grams of sugar per serving, vs 73% or higher which allows you to have 2 ounces a day on the Advanced Plan.  My calculations are on the DAGOBA brand.  Please note that I have not done the calculations for other chocolate brands.

DAGOBA has sent me a box of their goodies to sample and review.  Take a look at this spread: 2 baking bars (100% unsweetened and 59% semi sweet), 1 bag of 74% Chocolate Drops, 87% Eclipse, Dark bar, 37% Milk bar, 74% New Moon bar, 74% Xocolatl bar (with Mexican chilies), 68% Lemon Ginger bar, and a canister of Chai Drinking Chocolate.  Christmas came early for this girl!  Okay, okay, I did share with my hubby and son.

How do you pick favorites out of such a delicious variety?!  Okay, so the Chai Drinking Chocolate (basically a fancy way of saying hot chocolate) is SO GOOD!  I hadn't tried any of their drinking chocolates before, and this was a much appreciated experience.  I also never thought to mix chai spices and chocolate, but it's really really good.  It tastes like Christmas!  You know already that I loved all of the dark chocolates.  But, I was really excited to taste the flavored bars.  The Xocolatl bar blends in real Mexican chilies.  It provides a warmth right at the end before you swallow.  It was something I didn't think I'd like as much as I did!  And the Lemon Ginger bar is another must try.  Yet again, I'd never think to mix ginger with chocolate.  REALLY good.  This one was Dave's favorite.  He loves anything lemon, ginger, or chocolate, so to combine the three made him one happy guy.

You can't go wrong with DAGOBA.  I use their baking bars and Chocolate Drops for every chocolatey dessert in my kitchen.  Their products melt down well and hold up well when baked in cookies, cakes and bars.  Check out all of their products here.  (Our other favorite flavored bars are the Hazelnut, Mint, and Raspberry.  You can't go wrong with any of those!)  You can purchase DAGOBA Organic Chocolates at your local health food or grocery store, on their website, or on Amazon.com.

Now, what you've been waiting for....YOU get the chance to win the exact same mega packed prize package from DAGOBA that they sent me!  Enter below.  (Must be from the continental USA to win.)


Enter to win a 10-piece Gift Pack from DAGOBA Organic Chocolates!  This giveaway will last 24 hours, from midnight EST on Wednesday December 19th until 11:59pm EST the same day.  Entering is easy!  Simply follow the various options below in the Rafflecopter widget window.  This DAGOBA Organic Chocolates giveaway is open to continental U.S.A. residents only.  There will be one winner.  The winner will be contacted and confirmed within 48 hours after the giveaway ends.  All entries are verified via Rafflecopter.

Be sure to come back tomorrow and EVERY DAY through December for a chance to win a new prize!  You can win multiple times, so please don't be shy to come back!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

25 Days of Christmas Giveaways: Day 19 from Eco Vessel

Congratulations to Lora B. who is our Day 17 winner of a 50 load bag of Nellie's All-Natural Laundry Soda!  We also have a winner for Day 15 of a 12 variety flavor pack of Nicole's Nutty Goodness bars -- Kristen T.!  Congrats on the fabulous wins, ladies!  We're down to just one more week of prizes remaining.  I hope everyone is enjoying all of the amazing and generous prizes my favorite companies are donating!  Merry Christmas everyone!  : )

Today I have a company that will solve one of the most common questions I am asked: What do I use to drink out of on the go?  We all know the scary details on BPA plastic, and plastics in general.  I don't recommend using any type of plastic water bottle.  Instead look for a stainless steel bottle, preferably 18/8 grade which is the most optimal food safe grade.  Glass is of course acceptable, but also breakable.  When you're on the go, stainless steel is the easiest and lightest option, and it's safe for kids, too!

Let me introduce you to Eco Vessel.  Eco Vessel is a great resource for stainless steel bottles, glass bottles, and stainless steel travel cups for kids.  The company sent me one of their triple insulated 17 ounce Boulder Bottles to sample and review.  I also already had purchased one of their kid's Gobble-n-Go Snack Cups that I will review for you.

The triple insulated Boulder Bottle is pretty awesome.  It's easy to use with two screw top options (a skinny mouth opening or a wide mouth opening depending on your preference).  The wide opening is large enough to fit ice cubs inside the bottle.  I'm very impressed with the durability of the bottle.  I accidentally dropped it twice on pavement and no dents!  It also does a fabulous job at keeping drinks, soup, tea, coffee, smoothies, etc hot or cold.  I've used it for both really hot things and really cold and they've held up their temperature in the Boulder Bottle for many hours.  Because it's triple insulated, there is no condensation on the outside of the bottle and your hands don't burn if you've got a hot tea or soup inside.  On their website, Eco Vessel says the Boulder Bottle can keep its contents cold for up to 36 hours and hot for up to 12 hours.  I can vouch for that! 

A couple weeks ago, I poured in boiling water with a tea bag then walked out the door at 8:00am.  It was a chilly winter day.  I was in the car all day running errands, so the bottle sat in a cool car all day long.  I kept checking the tea every hour or so to see when it would be cool enough for me to drink.  Before I knew it, it was lunch time and still too hot to sip.  It was finally safe enough to drink by the time I got home around 6:00pm that evening.  It was still pretty warm!  I love having the option to bring a warm drink safely on the go with me, but now I make sure to make the tea first, then transfer it to the bottle after a few minutes of cooling on the counter.  Overall, this is a great daily use stainless steel bottle and I otherwise use it for my water bottle through the day.

I originally found Eco Vessel when I was searching for a stainless steel travel container for Austin to use when in the car or around the house.  He has really taken a liking to freeze dried fruits and veggies, but it can get messy if I'm not right there sitting with him or handing him one piece of fruit at a time.  I wanted one of those reach-in toddler bowls you see all the babies using, but I wanted one that was not made of plastic.  I happened onto Eco Vessel's site and found their Gobble-n-Go Snack Cup!  It is exactly what I was looking for!

Austin was 13 months when I first gave it to him to use.  I had it filled with freeze dried pineapple and strawberries.  It took him only a few minutes to figure out how to work the lid of the Gobble-n-Go Cup.  The lid is made of food grade silicone (a much safer option than any plastic) and the cup base is made of stainless steel.  The lid has X-shaped slits in the lid where a child's hand can slip in and out easily, but no food can escape on its own.  It also has two side handles that are very easy for his little hands to grasp on to.  The cup can hold up to 16 ounces.  You can also remove the lid and use it as a bowl with handles so your child can feed themselves easier.  It's perfect for traveling, but I also give it to him at home while he's playing so I can get work done without worrying if he's making a mess.  This is a great gift for all moms of little ones, and there is still time to get one in time for Christmas!

You can purchase Eco Vessel products in some health food stores, on their website, or Amazon.com.  Save a little cash!!  Now through Christmas Day, Eco Vessel is offering FREE 2-day shipping with the coupon code SHIPFREE at checkout from their website.

Eco Vessel is giving away a 2 piece gift set!  One USA winner will receive a 17 ounce Boulder Bottle and 16 ounce Gobble-n-Go Cup!  Enter below.  Good luck!


Enter to win a Boulder Bottle and Gobble-n-Go Cup from Eco Vessel!  This giveaway will last 24 hours, from midnight EST on Tuesday December 18th until 11:59pm EST the same day.  Entering is easy!  Simply follow the various options below in the Rafflecopter widget window.  This Eco Vessel giveaway is open to continental U.S.A. residents only.  There will be one winner.  The winner will be contacted and confirmed within 48 hours after the giveaway ends.  All entries are verified via Rafflecopter.

Be sure to come back tomorrow and EVERY DAY through December for a chance to win a new prize!  You can win multiple times, so please don't be shy to come back!
 a Rafflecopter giveaway

Monday, December 17, 2012

25 Days of Giveaways: Day 18 from Essential Eating

The winner of Day 16 - a signed copy of The Book Monster by Emily Waisanen is Leana B.!  Congrats!  She is donating the book to the daycare that she works at.  We hope your kids enjoy it, Leana!

Core Planners, this one's for you!  I have recently learned about today's company, Essential Eating.  They make the best tasting sprouted whole wheat pasta, cereal, and pretzels I have ever tasted!  Someone from Essential Eating contacted me about reviewing their products a few months ago.  I gave their website a look over and was impressed with their mission, ingredients, and product selection.  They offered to send me a variety box to sample some of their items.  I said sure, I'm always looking for good quality and pure sprouted cereal and pasta sources.  (We talked about this before, that I am eating sprouted grains right now while I am still breast feeding my son as my body responds well to carbs to produce the milk he needs.)

Essential Eating sent me this little exercpt, which I could rewrite and reworded, but I don't think I could say it any better than they already have:
“Essential Eating Sprouted Foods is the gold standard of sprouted foods - organic and kosher.  Our sprouting process unlocks the nutrients within the grain, which then yields a guilt-free carbohydrate that digests as a vegetable and allows your body to digest the grain more efficiently.  These one-of-a-kind products are 100% organic whole grain fiber, high in protein, heart-healthy, kosher, vegan, diabetic-friendly and naturally free of cholesterol, lactose, added sugars and trans fats.  Essential Eating Sprouted Products are creating a new avenue of cuisine for both those sensitive to traditional flours and those who simply want to eat better.  It is your delicious, digestible and nutritious alternative. Try it. You’re worth it!”   -- Essential Eating Sprouted Foods
That's the beautiful thing about sprouting your grains.  They'll digest so much more easily in your body and you can fully absorb the nutrients and antioxidants locked within.  That's why you can have sprouted grains on the Core Nutrition Plan.

Now, on to the review!  Essential Eating sent me four of their products to sample: Sprouted Whole Wheat Cereal, Sprouted Whole Wheat Pasta Elbows, Sprouted Whole Wheal Linguini Pasta, and Sprouted Whole Wheat Pretzel Puffs.  I stated it at the beginning, and I'll say it again.  All four of these products have been the best tasting and textured sprouted wheat products I have ever tasted!  Even my husband is wowed by the taste!

First I checked the ingredients.  Essential Eating Sprouted Foods is not only a Certified Organic and Kosher company, but also a non-GMO.  That's a HUGE PLUS for me and my family as we only choose non-GMO foods!  The pastas and cereal only use 100% sprouted whole wheat.  The pretzels use 100% sprouted whole wheat, water, olive oil, salt, yeast, and soda.  Clean by my standards.

You may remember I mentioned I was addicted to my morning bowl of oatmeal ever since Austin was born a year and a half ago...  Well I think that Essential Eating's Sprouted Wheat Cereal just took the top spot.  It reminds me of cream of wheat, which I happily ate a lot of growing up.  But it's also a little chunky like steal cut oats.  It has a really pleasant taste, and is a nice switch from the norm for me.  This would be a great option for all you moms out there emailing me with "what can I feed my children for breakfast?" questions.  : )

The pastas are really yummy, too.  I did the sprouted elbows with a tomato sauce and ground beef, traditional.  They were really tasty!  And the for the sprouted linguini, I did a creamy cashew-pesto sauce with sauteed zucchini and onion.  Again, really yummy!  Both pastas balanced the flavor of the sauce and pasta well.  Neither overpowered the dish.  I like the little bite or chewiness that the noodles have when perfectly cooked.  It's different than white flour pasta, so be prepared for that if your family is new to eating whole foods.

And now, to my favorite product from Essential Eating -- their sprouted pretzel puffs.  Oh my goodness you guys!  We ate through the bag in two days!  That's saying a lot, because we aren't big snackers.  These pretzels are THE BEST sprouted whole wheat snack I have tried.  Ever.  They have the perfect amount of sweet to salt taste, and the beauty is you don't feel sick or tired after eating them because they are sprouted!  Note: they do use yeast in the production of the pretzels, so be aware if that's something you need to avoid.  I happened to have a fresh jar of Puckerbutt Pepper's Smokin' Hot Mustard ready for me to dive in to... These sprouted pretzels were the perfect pairing.  I couldn't wait until Austin's nap that day.  Mom's snack time was the highlight of my day!

Prior to moving to Greensboro last month, I hadn't seen Essential Eating's products in our local grocery stores.  But here in Greensboro they do carry at least the pretzels and pastas at our local health food store and the co-op.  I'm really pleased about that!  Check for them at stores near you, buy from their website, or on Amazon.com.

Now, you can win the same package of sprouted wheat goodness that Essential Eating sent to me.  One lucky USA winner will receive 1 package each of Sprouted Whole Wheat Cereal, Sprouted Whole Wheat Pasta Elbows, Sprouted Whole Wheal Linguini Pasta, and Sprouted Whole Wheat Pretzel Puffs!  Enter below, and good luck!


Enter to win a 4-pack of sprouted 100% whole wheat products from Essential Eating Sprouted Foods!  This giveaway will last 24 hours, from midnight EST on Monday December 17th until 11:59pm EST the same day.  Entering is easy!  Simply follow the various options below in the Rafflecopter widget window.  This Essential Eating Sprouted Foods giveaway is open to continental U.S.A. residents only.  There will be one winner.  The winner will be contacted and confirmed within 48 hours after the giveaway ends.  All entries are verified via Rafflecopter.

Be sure to come back tomorrow and EVERY DAY through December for a chance to win a new prize!  You can win multiple times, so please don't be shy to come back!

 a Rafflecopter giveaway

Sunday, December 16, 2012

25 Days of Christmas Giveaways: Day 17 from Nellie's All-Natural

Congrats to Trina G. on winning Day 13's Lip Shine Gift Set from Lavanila!

I know many of you may already know about today's company.  And if you don't, you should!  It's Nellie's All-Natural, a Canadian-based company that also holds a large presence in the USA.  Nellie's All-Natural makes, as their name suggests, all natural laundry care products.  I have been using their PVC-free dryer balls for many years now.  I love them!  But I hadn't tried their laundry soda before.

When I contacted Nellie's All-Natural about our 25 Days of Christmas Giveaways series, they were happy to participate and wanted to send me a bag of their 50 Load Laundry Soda to sample and review.  I was pretty excited, because this happened right at the time we were moving from Charlotte to Greensboro, and I was out of my homemade batch of laundry soap (and I admittingly didn't feel like stirring up another batch).  The timing couldn't be more perfect!

I like everything that Nellie's All-Natural makes.  Their ingredients are minimal and natural.  The Laundry Soda is made up of two ingredients: Sodium Silicate, Coconut oil based surfactants.  It's not going to foam up like the conventional laundry soaps would.  And that's why they call it a Laundry Soda.  But don't let the lack of foam fool you!  This Laundry Soda is powerful!  The surfactants are what go in and strip the oils and grease from the clothing fibers.  These can be pretty toxic if made from chemicals.  It's an important thing that I look for if I'm buying laundry detergent that they use plant derived surfactants.  I appreciate Nellie's telling us that they use coconut oil based surfactants.  Any time a company is up front and honest is a thumbs up!

This is actually part of the mission of Nellie's All-Natural.  The founder of the company, originally a woman named Nellie, believed strongly in honesty and simplicity.  It was with this set of beliefs that the non-toxic and earth friendly product line was created.  They hold on to the rules of simplicity and truth still today.

I am really enjoying using Nellie's Laundry Soda.  The toughest test for our home was on Austin's cloth diapers.  I only do diaper loads once per week, so the detergent must be powerful, but also has to be natural so it doesn't ruin the diapers or irritate Austin's skin. And I'll just say it...he's on to solid foods and you can imagine the destruction that lies in that dirty diaper pale by the end of the week.    Nellie's Laundry Soda was up to the challenge!

Now get this.  You only have to add 1 TABLESPOON per load.  Just one!  I still can't get over it! Everything comes out clean and fresh with such a small amount of detergent added to the washing drum.  I'll confess, I did add 2 Tablespoons to the washer the first time I tested Nellie's Laundry Soda on Austin's diapers.  I was astonished at how clean they came out that I did just the 1 Tablespoon for the next load of diapers.  It was all they needed.  His diapers came out perfectly, no stains and no need for an extra rinse!  Our clothes come out nice and clean.  I've been using the Laundry Soda for over a month now, and our clothes are still coming out beautifully, and I have not noticed any buildup on the cloth diapers.  They are working just as they should.  I'm very impressed with the working power of this Laundry Soda. 

You can purchase Nellie's Laundry Soda and other products at your local health food store or co-op, on their website, or on Amazon.com.  Their dish washer nuggets are great, too, if you're looking for a natural option!

And, Nellie's All-Natural is giving away a bag of 50 Load Laundry Soda to one lucky USA or Canada winner!  Enter below for your chance to win about three months worth of natural laundry detergent!


Enter to win a bag of 50 Load Laundry Soda from Nellie's All-Natural!  This giveaway will last 24 hours, from midnight EST on Sunday December 16th until 11:59pm EST the same day.  Entering is easy!  Simply follow the various options below in the Rafflecopter widget window.    This Nellie's All-Natural giveaway is open to continental U.S.A. and Canada residents only.  There will be one winner.  The winner will be contacted and confirmed within 48 hours after the giveaway ends.  All entries are verified via Rafflecopter.

Be sure to come back tomorrow and EVERY DAY through December for a chance to win a new prize!  You can win multiple times, so please don't be shy to come back!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Saturday, December 15, 2012

25 Days of Christmas Giveaways: Day 16 - The Book Monster

Congrats to Jordan D. on winning Day 14's two pack of Brad's Raw Leafy Kale!

Today's product is hot off the press!  It comes to us from one of my personal friends and new author, Emily Waisanen.  She and I grew up together in the Hancock/Calumet area of the Upper Peninsula.  (Yes, she is a fellow yooper!)  Emily is a middle school teacher who is passionate about children's literature and keeping kids enthusiastic about reading.

Emily got the idea to write her children's book, titled The Book Monster, after becoming frustrated with the way some children's books are poorly written.  She wrote out a draft of her idea for The Book Monster and sent it off to a publishing company.  The publisher loved her concept and it was accepted for print!  Her books are newly printed and have been ready for sale for just a few months!  I am excited to share this opportunity to win one of her copies with you!

Emily kindly sent me a personally signed copy of her book to review and share with my 15 month old son, Austin.  I love the story line, message, and pop-off-the-page pictures!

It's about a little monster, a book monster, who likes to eat books (of course!).  Emily uses eating as a metaphor for reading.  The little monster likes to eat all kinds of books.  We are taken through various genres and shown how the monster likes each "cuisine" for different reasons.  The monster uses alliteration and talks about how he likes to eat each variety of book.  He "munches on mysteries" and "chomps on children's books."

Austin's favorite page.  He laughs hysterically when we reach the page on the right.  : )
A stuffed little monster after eating a whole day's worth of books!

It's so fun to read this book with Austin.  It is such a cute story.  He loves the pictures!  It's fun for me, too!  I appreciate teaching my son about the world of reading, how big and what variety it can be.  There is a book out there for everyone!  The way Emily relates the world of books to the different cuisines of food is genius in my opinion.  I think it's a great way to help kids get excited to explore books and visit the library!

This is a super sweet book that your child will love!  This would make a great Christmas or birthday present for your child, grandchild, niece or nephew!  Emily's book The Book Monster is available for $8.99 on Amazon.com or at Barnes and Noble.  There's still time if you order now to receive it in time for Christmas!

And, Emily is generously giving away a personally signed copy of The Book Monster to one lucky USA or Canada winner!!!  You know the drill.  Enter below!  And be sure to give Emily some love on her Facebook page or Amazon.com reviews!


Enter to win a signed copy of The Book Monster from author Emily Waisanen!  This giveaway will last 24 hours, from midnight EST on Saturday December 15th until 11:59pm EST the same day.  Entering is easy!  Simply follow the various options below in the Rafflecopter widget window.    This giveaway hosted by Emily Waisanen is open to continental U.S.A. and Canada residents only.  There will be one winner.  The winner will be contacted and confirmed within 48 hours after the giveaway ends.  All entries are verified via Rafflecopter.

Be sure to come back tomorrow and EVERY DAY through December for a chance to win a new prize!  You can win multiple times, so please don't be shy to come back!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Friday, December 14, 2012

25 Days of Christmas Giveaways: Day 15 from Nicole's Nutty Goodness

Sticking with yesterday's snack theme, today is another one of my favorite snacktime food companies: Nicole's Nutty Goodness.  This is one of my new finds, and new go-to snack when I'm on the go or traveling.  I had the pleasure of meeting Nicole a couple of months ago while walking through Whole Foods.  She was there at her booth with a table full of these delicious looking bars.  Dave went on with our baby to shop, while I stayed behind and waited in line to taste this intriguing nut bar.

When I got to the front, Nicole showed me the 8 flavors to choose from.  Original (like banana nut bread), Whey Good, Berry Good, Cherry Chocolate Chip, Espress Yourself, Snappy Ginger, Pumpkin Spice, and Peaches and Cream.  If you were given this list, would you be able to pick just one to try???  Me neither.  I tried three!  Then proceeded to find Dave and drag him back over to her table and had him try three or four different flavors.  They were THAT good! 

Nicole's Nutty Goodness bars are like a cross between Lara Bars and fruit leather.  I like the texture of her bars much more than Lara Bars actually.   They're not as moist and sugary.  When you open a package, inside you'll find two bar "strips" of dehydrated fruit and chunky nut pieces melded together.  I love that you get two separate bars because I usually never finish an entire bar at once (like a Lara Bar or protein bar).  This is great for me because I can eat just one of the bars and be perfectly satiated, saving the second one for later.  She uses pure ingredients, more than half being certified organic.  Raw sprouted nuts, seeds, dehydrated fruits, and spices are the main ingredients in her vegan and raw food bars.

I love all of Nicole's flavor creations!  She is so creative!  They are the perfect mix of nuts and fruit; a little salty and sweet and full of flavor all at once.  My favorite flavors are the Pumpkin Spice, Whey Good, Snappy Ginger, and Cherry Chocolate Chip (to die for!).  Dave also loves the Whey Good and the Espress Yourself.  They're all winners though, so try them all!!

You can find Nicole's Nutty Goodness at a local health food store near you or order online.  Read more about Nicole and how she found her passion to start her company.

Exciting news!  Today, Nicole is giving way a variety 12-pack of her Nicole's Nutty Goodness bars!!  One winner from the continental USA will receive: 2 Berry Good, 2 Cherry Chocolate Chip, 2 Whey Good, 2 Snappy Ginger, 2 Pumpkin Spice, 1 Espress Yourself, and 1 Original bars.  Enter below, and good luck!  You will fall in love with Nicole's bars!


Enter to win one variety 12-pack box of Nicole's Nutty Goodness bars!  This giveaway will last 24 hours, from midnight EST on Friday December 14th until 11:59pm EST the same day.  Entering is easy!  Simply follow the various options below in the Rafflecopter widget window.    This Nicole's Nutty Goodness brand giveaway is open to continental U.S.A. residents only.  There will be one winner.  The winner will be contacted and confirmed within 48 hours after the giveaway ends.  All entries are verified via Rafflecopter.

Be sure to come back tomorrow and EVERY DAY through December for a chance to win a new prize!  You can win multiple times, so please don't be shy to come back!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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