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Saturday, December 8, 2012

25 Days of Christmas Giveaways: Day 9 from Florere

Day 7's winner of the Nutiva Baker's Package is Katie!  Thanks to everyone who has been going out to our sponsors' Facebook pages to give them a warm hello.  They are appreciating the love!

Today's company is one that Dave and I have been using for about two years now.  This is our top source for completely natural deodorant that WORKS!  After trying every single brand out there with a 2 score or lower on the EWG Skin Deep scale, AND making our own deodorants, Dave, in particular, was still getting funky after about 6 hours of work.  We pull a 12 hour day easily, often working outside for half the day in the hot Carolina sun.  We had to find something that lasted longer than 6 hours, and didn't require a wipe down and re-apply in the middle of the day.

That's when I found Florere.  I can't remember exactly what I typed into Google, but I was desperate to find what we were looking for.  I came across their website and their founder's mission jumped out at me and connected with me. 
"Florere began out of one simple desire – to share my natural deodorant with others. After a friends mother was diagnosed with cancer,  I limited how many chemicals I was using on my skin and especially didn’t want them in my deodorant. I couldn’t find one ‘natural’ deodorant that worked for me, so I went into my kitchen and invented one! Now, our patented deodorant formula is available at retailers nationwide including Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center and the Evelyn Lauder Breast Center. Our goal is to provide the most naturally effective deodorant on the market. Men and women love Florere deodorant for one simple reason – it works! Thank you for using Florere deodorant!"  -- Cynthia DeLaney Gorman, Founder of Florere, Inc.
 I ordered a stick of their Florere Deodorant to try right away.  When you get it, you'll notice the stick is pretty firm.  You have to hold it against your skin for 4-5 seconds to soften it, then rub it on.  It glides on smoothly, doesn't leave any cakey residue behind, and absorbs quite well into your skin.  And believe me as a 2+ year user -- IT REALLY WORKS!  It's outstanding!  It works for Dave, too! He only applies in the morning after his shower.  Applying to clean dry skin is important.  He can go 12+ hours in a day and not have to reapply. 

I didn't personally notice an off gassing period, but I had also been chemical deodorant-free for many years before trying Florere.  But note that if you're switching and your skin/lymphs still have chemical build up that it will off gas and have a bit of an odor for about 2 weeks to 1 month depending on how toxic the buildup is.  It's a totally normal process, and the odor won't be strong like B.O. funk.  Just a slight odor that only you can smell during the cleansing period.  Once you make it through that, you're golden!

So what is in Florere that makes it better than other natural deodorants?  Florere's blend of ingredients is patented, so we don't know the exact formula, but it comes down to their signature blend of cocoa butter and shea butter, with a hint of pure sage and lavender essential oils.  Their formula prevents bacterial growth (which causes body odor) while allowing the body to perspire naturally.  Perspiration is a natural and important bodily function which allows us to get rid of toxins on a daily basis.  It's important to sweat, but also to neutralize the odor before the bacteria forms.  Florere deodorant does that beautifully.  Give it a try!  You'll be impressed!

I have also been using another of their products that Florere sent for me to sample.  It is their pure raw Shea Butter.  I use it for everything!  I had no idea how healing and moisturizing shea butter is!  I use it on myself for my lips, face moisturizer, hand lotion, and any rough spots on knees/elbows/feet.  But what I really love to use it for is my son's diaper cream!  I'm telling you, it is the perfect paste for a baby's bottom!!!  A little goes a long way.  You just need a finger tip's worth to do the job.  And it soaks right in, so it doesn't leave any oily residue on his cloth diapers (which can be bad for the diaper's longevity).  And the shea butter is naturally antimicrobial so it heals his skin and keeps any germs out if he is getting a bit red.  Moms, try it!  I've been using it for Austin since he was 6 months old, but wish I had known about it from his birth.

You can order Florere products directly from their website, or on Amazon.com (Florere Deodorant, Florere Shea Butter).  These make awesome stocking stuffers or a gift pack for Christmas.  I gave all of my friends the deodorant last year.

For today's giveaway, Florere is offering one winner a gift pack of their Florere Deodorant stick and a container of their raw Shea Butter!  Enter below!


Enter to win the Florere Gift Package (deodorant + shea butter)!  This giveaway will last 24 hours, from midnight EST on Saturday December 8th until 11:59pm EST the same day.  Entering is easy!  Simply follow the various options below in the Rafflecopter widget window.    This Florere brand giveaway is open to continental U.S.A. residents only.  There will be one winner.  The winner will be contacted and confirmed within 48 hours after the giveaway ends.  All entries are verified via Rafflecopter.

Be sure to come back tomorrow and EVERY DAY through December for a chance to win a new prize!  You can win multiple times, so please don't be shy to come back!
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Kimmy M

It's a Wonderful Life!


It's a wonderful life


It's a wonderful life!


"It's a Wonderful Life"

Gina L

It's a Wonderful Life.

Mick's up Life

Thank you! I found out about this deodorant from you earlier this year, and it's great!

Mick's up Life

"It's a Wonderful Life"


Its a Wonderful Life!


It's a Wonderful Life


It's a Wonderful Life - our favorite!


It's a wonderful life


Zuzu said that in It's a Wonderful Life :-)


It's a wonderful life

Lisa P.

It's A Wonderful Life.

Angela E

In It's A Wonderful Life

Jennilee Hogancamp

It's A Wonderful Life


it's a wonderful life. And it is :D


It's A Wonderful Life.


"It's a Wonderful Life"...

... And the movie is just perfect for this time of year! ;)

Jennifer Blanton

It's a Wonderful Life


"It's A Wonderful Life"


It's a Wonderful Life

Elizabeth J

It's a wonderful life!


It's a Wonderful Life!

Ashley L.

It's a Wonderful Life! Still need to watch that one!


it's a wonderful life!


it's a wonderful life

Kerry P

It's a wonderful life


It's a Wonderful Life


It's a wonderful life

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