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Thursday, December 13, 2012

25 Days of Christmas Giveaways: Day 14 from Brad's Raw Foods

Congrats to Day 12's winner of the Navitas Superfood Superpack is Suzanne S.!  Enjoy that great package of healthy foods!

Today, I am so happy to share on of my favorite snack food companies with you: Brad's Raw Foods!  Brad Gruno drastically changed his life by adopting a raw food diet in 2006.  In a matter of months he lost 40 lbs, his cholesterol levels normalized, and ultimately he was able to unlock a youthful vitality he hadn't experienced in years.  His personal quest to eat better and feel better led to the creation of Brad's Raw Foods.
Brad Gruno, CEO and Founder of Brad's Raw Foods
Brad's Raw Foods specializes in raw leafy kale (similar to what we might call homemade kale chips) and raw kale chips (a dehydrated blend of kale and other vegetables and spices cut into chip shapes) that make the perfect savory snack!  They sure make it easy to enjoy eating raw kale!  As we know, eating our vegetables in raw form is ideal as it means all of their vitamins, nutrients, enzymes, and minerals will be left intact.  This is why Brad is so passionate about delivering such high quality and good tasting raw food products!  His chips aren't baked or fried.  By never heating his ingredients above 115 degrees Fahrenheit, those nutrients and enzymes are preserved and can benefit your body the way God intended.

When I travel, and it's fairly often, it's important to me that we are eating as healthy as possible.  In the past, we would go away for a weekend trip, then get home and be so run down from lack of sleep and putting restaurant food in our bodies that we would get sick for a string of days afterward.  Now we make a plan for every trip we take.  We set the number of days we will eat out (also to help with budget), and plan the types of snacks to make and bring with us or buy when we get there.  Brad's Raw Kale Chips are always at the top of my snack list!  After the plane lands, we find the nearest natural foods store and buy a box or two depending on how long we'll be out of town.  We love them because they provide us with a dramatic energy boost and enhanced digestion.

I'm a classic tastes girl, so my favorite flavor is their Naked version of leafy kale.  Crunchy, lightly flavored, perfect salty flavor to hit that craving.  Dave's favorites, because he couldn't pick just one, are the Nasty Hot and the Nacho.  Brad's Raw Foods makes much more than their raw leafy kale.  They also make a variety of Brad's Raw Chips, which blends together superfoods (like kale, other veggies, flax, spices, herbs, olive oil, Bragg's vinegar, etc), pressed out and cut, then dehydrated into chip form.  REALLY good on their own, or I think they are the perfect pair to hummus.  They make a bunch of flavors, you can check them out here.  If you're new to Brad's Raw Foods, I'd recommend their sampler pack so you can try a little of everything!

They just launched a new flavor that I haven't tasted yet, Pina Kale-ada.  Sounds yummy with the pineapple and coconut!  Certainly a new way to do kale!  I'm looking forward to grabbing a box on my next store trip.  AND Brad's Raw Foods is launching a line of raw dog treats, called Brad's Raw 4 Paws, on January 2, 2013.  I think that is the coolest thing!  If you own a pooch, be sure to watch for those to hit store shelves near you soon!

You can purchase Brads Raw Foods at your local natural foods store or co-op, on their website, or on Amazon.com.

Brad's Raw Foods is giving away TWO boxes of their Raw Leafy Kale to one lucky USA winner!  Good luck!  And enjoy some of Brad's delicious products soon!


Enter to win 2 boxes of Raw Leafy Kale from Brad's Raw Foods!  This giveaway will last 24 hours, from midnight EST on Tuesday December 12th until 11:59pm EST the same day.  Entering is easy!  Simply follow the various options below in the Rafflecopter widget window.    This Brad's Raw Foods brand giveaway is open to U.S.A. residents only.  There will be one winner.  The winner will be contacted and confirmed within 48 hours after the giveaway ends.  All entries are verified via Rafflecopter.

Be sure to come back tomorrow and EVERY DAY through December for a chance to win a new prize!  You can win multiple times, so please don't be shy to come back!

a Rafflecopter giveaway



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