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- Product Review: Puckerbutt Pepper Co.
- Pumpkin Spice Pudding
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I love it!! So true - apathy will be the death of us all!
Hi Elise,
This is a very important issue.
What can we specifically do to stop Monsanto?
I try to buy organic.
Any other suggestions to help the planet?
There are many ways you can voice your opinion. Start by contacting your state and national district government reps. Write a letter or email to let them know what you, your family, and your community feel about GMO foods. You can check out sites like HelpStopMonsanto.org, boycott the companies that use their products, or take part in an "occupy Monsanto" rally. There is a group known as Millions Against Monsanto, too. I don't take part personally, but have some friends who are very involved. And of course, SHARE what ever you choose to do with others and encourage they get involved. Who knows how many you could reach and the impact it could make. Share your voice!
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