Sunday, December 23, 2012

25 Days of Christmas Giveaways: Day 24 from Zevia

Congrats to Al P. on winning Day 22's gift of the 10 piece natural stevia assortment from Stevita Stevia!

Two days left of giveaways, including today.  On Day 24 I thought it appropriate to give away a 24 pack of Zevia natural soda!

If you're new to Zevia, the company makes 15 different flavors of natural zero calorie soda pop WITHOUT the use of synthetic or chemical sweeteners.  I think it's neat to read about how the company started in 2007 and follow its progression since.  They only started with three flavors!  And now they have branched out to make 15 different flavors to quench your cravings for other (unmentionable) unhealthy sugar-filled brands.  Zevia uses both stevia and erythritol (a zero calorie sugar alcohol) to sweeten its sodas, producing a zero glycemic affect product that tastes great!

Their flavor list includes: Cherry Cola, Lime Cola, Strawberry, Cola, Caffeine Free Cola, Black Cherry, Cream Soda, Grape, Grapefruit Citrus, Ginger Root Beer, Lemon Lime Twist, Orange, Dr. Zevia, Mountain Zevia, and Ginger Ale.  I have tried almost every single flavor from Zevia.  They are all equally outstanding in taste and quality.  If I had to pick favorites, my go-tos are usually Ginger Root Beer, Ginger Ale, or Cream Soda.  If you are in to fruit flavored sodas, the Grape, Orange, and Strawberry are all SO GOOD!  I rotate which I bring home with me from the store.  If you're looking to switch from drinking diet cola to avoid the artificial sweeteners, Zevia's cola options will help you kick the habit.  We actually recommend Zevia's colas to our patients all the time as a healthier option to cutting the chemicals out of your life.

Please note that Zevia does use the sugar alcohol erythritol in all of their flavors.  Their cans are lined with BPA plastic lining.  For Dave and me, we enjoy Zevia on occasion, around once or twice a month at most.  We personally try to avoid BPA whenever possible and we try to limit our consumption of sugar alcohols.  We do, however, still enjoy a soda from time to time and Zevia is our soda of choice.

Also, for those of you who have wondered in the past, yes we do drink alcohol occasionally.  We will use Zevia as our base soda for mixed drinks (e.g. rum and 'coke', moscow mule, dragonfly, happy skipper, ginger mint julep).

You can purchase Zevia at your local health foods store or online at  Ask your store if you can order in bulk to save.  Often we can get 10-20% off on an order of a case or more.  Also, click this link for money saving coupons for Zevia!  Every penny counts, right?  : )

Enter to win a 24 pack flavor assortment of 12 of Zevia's top flavors!  One USA winner will receive two each of the following flavors: Cola, Caffeine Free Cola, Black Cherry, Cream Soda, Grape, Grapefruit Citrus, Ginger Root Beer, Lemon Lime Twist, Orange, Dr. Zevia, Mountain Zevia, and Ginger Ale.  Good luck!  Enter the giveaway below in the Rafflecopter widget.

And a very blessed Christmas Eve to each one of you!  Enjoy the anticipation and celebrations!


Enter to win a 24 pack flavor assortment from Zevia!  This giveaway will last 24 hours, from midnight EST on Sunday December 23rd until 11:59pm EST the same day.  Entering is easy!  Simply follow the various options below in the Rafflecopter widget window.  This Zevia giveaway is open to continental U.S.A. residents only.  There will be one winner.  The winner will be contacted and confirmed within 48 hours after the giveaway ends.  All entries are verified via Rafflecopter.

Come back tomorrow for our final giveaway as part of the 25 Days of Christmas Giveaways series!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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