Saturday, December 22, 2012

25 Days of Christmas Giveaways: Day 23 from Copy-Kids

Congrats going out to our two winners of Day 21's giveaway from The Organic Whey.  Marissa N. and Holly H. are each the winners of a pouch of The Organic Whey protein powder.  Enjoy them, ladies!  This is my favorite source for pure whey protein!

Today's giveaway has been a pleasant help in my home.  It's so funny, I have had this conversation with a few other Maximized Living moms....  When we're pregnant and already living such a healthy, green, sugar-free life we tell ourselves, "Oh, our kids will never get hooked on sugar.  They'll eat their green veggies and love them.  They'll be begging us to eat vegetables."  Well... It's time I publicly admit my 15 month old son has quite the sweet tooth.  It's often very hard to get him to eat his vegetables with lunch or dinner.  Or he'll eat a few bites, then opt to throw around the rest of his meal on the walls and floor.  The other moms I have compared notes with have had the same issues.  We want the best for our child.  We want our child(ren) to be the Super Baby they were destined to be!  But sometimes we need to laugh at ourselves and roll with the punches.

Today's company has really helped with the veggie eating issues Austin has been having in the past 5 months.  The company is called Copy-Kids, and they make a fabulous DVD designed to help young children get excited to eat their fresh vegetables and fruits.  Copy-Kids sent me a copy of their DVD to sample and review.  It is such a cute production.  I enjoy sitting down to watch it with Austin!

This is the first DVD in the Copy-Kids series, launched in January 2012 (just a baby itself!).  It focuses on Fruits & Vegetables.  Copy-Kids wanted to design a video that encourages positive habits in young children.  They acheive this by having our children watch and copy other kids eating the fruits and vegetables that we so want them to enjoy.  Copy-Kids unique take on healthy eating helps parents get their children hooked on healthy and positive habits at an early age.

This DVD is for children aged 6 months to 5 years.  The Copy-Kids DVD features 12 individual 7 minute chapters, one for each of twelve fruits & veggies: bell pepper, carrot, raspberry, avocado, broccoli, cucumber, blueberry, apples, tomatoes, strawberry, banana, and orange.  Each clip cycles through two or three children eating and enjoying the fruit/veggie that you select.  It's simply put together, and very intimate so your child feels like they are right there at the table with the children on the screen. (Read more about What Is Copy-Kids?)

When you put in the Copy-Kids DVD, it gives you the option to choose the type of food you are giving your child (e.g. broccoli, carrots, bell peppers).  What I do is place a plate of whichever veggie in front of my child, then turn on the DVD and select the same food.  It usually takes a minute or two, but Austin warms up to the children on the screen who are eating the same vegetable that he sees in front of him.  He smiles as he watches the kids eating their vegetable.  Then, I watch in amazement every time, he eats a few bites of his vegetable just as the kids on the DVD did.  Austin says “Mmmmm” and almost always finishes the whole plate as he watches.  Thanks to Copy-Kids, Austin is noticeably more excited and willing to at least try his vegetables even when not playing the DVD with is meal.  The power of kids wanting to copy other kids is so amazing!!  It really works!

If you get the chance to watch the Q&A at the end with the video's creator, Dr. Jay Gordon, pay attention to the answers he gives.  They ask some great questions that go in depth in to why organic is best for children, the best ages to start solid foods, why it's important to not start a "reward system" for eating veggies, and much more great information!  I am very impressed by the nutritional philosophy of Dr. Gordon and the mission behind this DVD.  It fits right in line with all of my values and everything I try to produce for children here at Healing Cuisine.

You can read more about Copy-Kids in the news and from other moms here on their press page. Why didn't I learn about this DVD sooner?  Seems like many many many other moms have discovered the power of Copy-Kids! 

If you've got a picky eater under your roof, I highly recommend giving Copy-Kids a try!  Start using this DVD while your kids are young, and healthy eating will never be a problem!  : )

You can purchase Copy-Kids from their website or on

Copy-Kids is giving away a copy of their outstanding children's DVD.  You can enter to win in the Rafflecopter widget below.  Good luck!  This giveaway is open to USA & CANADA!!


Enter to win a bag of 50 Load Laundry Soda from Nellie's All-Natural!  This giveaway will last 24 hours, from midnight EST on Sunday December 16th until 11:59pm EST the same day.  Entering is easy!  Simply follow the various options below in the Rafflecopter widget window.    This Nellie's All-Natural giveaway is open to continental U.S.A. and Canada residents only.  There will be one winner.  The winner will be contacted and confirmed within 48 hours after the giveaway ends.  All entries are verified via Rafflecopter.

Just TWO more giveaways remain after today.  Please come back tomorrow for a chance to win a new prize!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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