Friday, September 30, 2011

Our Baby is Here: Austin Wayne Schwartz

Announcing the arrival of our first bundle of joy, Austin Wayne.  Born Sunday, September 18 at 5:32am, 7lbs 4oz, 21 inches.  We call him our smiley baby:

Austin had his newborn photo shoot this past Tuesday, and our photographer, Lora, was able to capture some of his most precious moments, including this photo of Austin smiling sweetly.  Warms my heart every time I look at it!

Austin is such a sweet, sweet baby.  He's almost always in a good mood, and we just can't get over how cute and cuddly he is!  He's always making us smile.  Dave and I could just sit and stare at him all day!  Here is more of Austin smiling:

Adjusting to the life of parenthood has been going well.  I am enjoying our Babymoon, spending all hours with Austin, most of the time in bed getting to know each other and bonding.  I love this little man so much!!  He is entering his first growth spurt already (already!), eating every hour and sleeping allll day.  My baby is getting chubbier every day and his newborn onesies are getting tight.  Everyone told me how fast babies grow up, but experiencing it first hand is surreal.

Back to recipe posting soon!  Have been out of the kitchen since Austin's arrival and Dave has been head chef of the house.  I also have a few GREAT product reviews and giveaways coming up soon!  So stay tuned, you'll want to enter the giveaways for sure!

Thank you to all of you who had us in your thoughts and prayers while we patiently waited for Austin and brought him into this world.  We so appreciate the support and love all around!  ((hugs))


  1. Congratulations!!!! What a beautiful boy god has blessed you with! Your so lucky to have a son; I have three boys and am so happy I do. You have to read the book titled "real boys". It is the most insightful book to boys and men I have ever read. Hugs, kisses and gods blessings for your new family. Thanks for helping me keep my boys healthy :)
    Angelika, Michigan

  2. Hi Angelika! Thank you so much! We are enjoying this little boy so much! I will check out that book for sure, thanks for the tip! I think Dave has heard of it before.


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