Monday, March 28, 2011

Zucchini Bread (GUEST POST!)

This recipe comes from Patty Anderson and I hope you all enjoy it!!  I am a LOVER of zucchini bread and am excited for it to be coming into season again here shortly (at least down south where we're now living).  However, you can make this using frozen zucchini as well -- just be sure to thaw and allow to drain out the excess liquid for a few hours in a mesh strainer.  Now, on to Patty's sugar-free, grain-free, casein-free Zucchini Bread!
Patty's Zucchini Bread
Makes 1 loaf

2 1/2 cups almond flour, fine ground & sifted
1/2 cup coconut flour, sifted twice
1 tsp spoonable stevia powder
1/2 cup xylitol
1 tsp baking soda (all natural and aluminum free!)
2 tsp cinnamon
Pinch of sea salt
4 organic free-range eggs
2 tsp pure vanilla
1/2 cup coconut oil, melted
2 cups organic zucchini, finely grated (about 2 med/large zucchini)
Optional:  handful of chopped raw nuts

1).  Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.  Line a glass loaf pan with unbleached parchment paper and grease the sides with a teaspoon of coconut oil.  Mix almond flour, coconut flour, stevia powder, xylitol, baking soda, cinnamon and sea salt in a large bowl until well combined.

2).  In separate small bowl, lightly beat the eggs.  Stir in the vanilla, coconut oil and zucchini.

3.)  Make a well in the middle of your dry ingredients, then add the wet ingredients stirring well to combine.

4.)  Pour batter into prepared pan and bake for 50-60 minutes until light brown and a knife inserted into the center comes out clean.

Thanks Patty for the fabulous recipe!  If YOU have a great Maximized recipe you'd like to share, send it to me:  Yours could be the next Guest Post!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Questions Answered: Maximize the Easter Basket

Tammy posed what I think is a great question and topic on the Healing Cuisine facebook page:
"What are everyone's ideas for Easter?  I grew up with the traditional candy basket!!  My kids have gotten that the last few years, but I really want to change it up without breaking their hearts.  Would love your ideas!  I know fruit is a good thing to add, but what about for the fun egg hunts?  What to put in each egg besides little trinkets?"  -  Tammy
And here I was looking for inspiration on what to write about in the Easter theme.  Well thank you Tammy!  I really think this will help a lot of Maximized Living families and keep our kids healthy!  So here is a list of my ideas.  If you have some of your own, maybe you've even done a Maximized Easter basket for your kids in the past, please share your ideas in the comments section.  We can all use the help! :)

Food Ideas:
Non-Food Ideas:
Avoid Plastic Eggs, Opt for Real
And don't forget last year's How To post on Natural Easter Egg Dyeing.  I recommend using natural hard-boiled eggs vs. plastic eggs for your egg hunts.  Plastic eggs are made of plastic.  These are handled by our kids, hands then go in their mouths, and in many cases even the plastic eggs end up in their mouths.  Control what you can and keep the dangerous BPA plastic out of your kids and home, not to mention the risk of lead paint used to dye the plastic.  Get your family involved in Easter egg dying the day before.  My mom always had us go to our rooms after Easter morning church to change into play clothes then hang out while she hid the eggs throughout the house.  (We lived in Michigan...snowy Michigan.  You can do the same thing in your backyard!)  So if you're worried about "when will I hide the eggs, I don't want them to spoil!"..take a tip from my mom and put your kids away for a half hour while you get the hard-boiled eggs set out.  They'll find them within the hour and you can pop right back in the fridge when the festivities are finished.  ;)

Any other tips and ideas out there?  Please share!!!  Happy Easter everyone!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Spring Into Health!

It's time to spring into health, and to do my part I want to pass on some savings to help you get motivated and change your habits.  If you are ready to get a jump start on disease reversal, weight loss, or simply eating cleaner, I encourage you to take advantage of one of my consultation packages!

Now thru May 31st, I am offering HALF OFF all consultation packages!  Whether you are new to the Maximized Living Nutrition Plans or are ready to take the next step of completely cleaning up your kitchen or bathroom products, now is the time to take action!  [And this goes for any past clients as well!!!  If we've done a session or two in the past, do you still have room for improvement?]  Let's set something up!  I'll help you get the motivation and information you need to change your and your family's life forever!

I would also like to introduce the option of a general Half Hour Consultation ($35) and Hour Long Consultation ($65), where you can talk to me about whatever it is you want or need.  Any topic or question is fair game (must be unique and not already offered as a consultation package).

I am currently servicing the Orlando, Florida area in person thru the end of April.  After that, we are moving!  Starting in May, if you live in or around Charlotte, North Carolina, you can take advantage of in-person consultations!  Live outside of Orlando or Charlotte?  We can always set up a Skype or phone consultation any time!  I have worked with clients all over Canada and all across the U.S. with great success using these options.

The time to get healthy is now!  If you need guidance in an area, even outside the kitchen, I'm here for you!  Send me an email ( or call (407-480-8607) to schedule today.  I look forward to serving you!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Cocoa-Nut Bites

Okay, I can finally start sharing my favorite recipes that have gotten me thru some pretty intense pregnancy cravings.. I call these my Advanced Plan "Cocoa-Nut" Bites.  I've found certain flavors and foods from my childhood have been creeping back into my mind...  Grilled cheese sandwiches, Oreos, Reese's peanut butter cups...   These quick and easy little bites have filled my Reese's cravings a few times so far, getting me thru trimester 1!  And these are about 200 times healthier than a Reese's candy -- did you know they don't even use real peanuts in their peanut butter cups???  Their peanut butter is artificially created, loaded with sugar, and completely lacking protein.  When you're pregnant, protein is so so important, so I happily whip these treats up whenever the craving is upon me.  Protein packed and sugar free!  This recipe makes about 5-6 little bites, however you can easily double or triple to make more.  Would make great little treats for the kids or a party spread.  Hope you guys like them!

"Cocoa-Nut" Bites
Makes 5-6

2 Tbsp raw unsalted almond butter
1 Tbsp raw tahini
2 tsp organic cocoa powder
8-10 drops liquid stevia liquid (more/less to taste)
1 1/2 tsp pure vanilla extract
1/4 cup unsweetened shredded coconut
1 Tbsp organic raw hemp seeds
Pinch or two of sea salt

In a food processor, blend the almond butter, tahini, cocoa powder, stevia, and vanilla until a smooth paste forms.  Add the coconut flakes, hemp seeds and sea salt and pulse until just mixed.  Scoop the mixture out by teaspoonfuls and roll into balls.  (You may want to pop the mix in the fridge for 15 minutes if it's too warm to hold shape.)  Place formed Cocoa-Nut Bites on parchment-lined baking sheet and refrigerate or freeze about 20 minutes to firm.  Then, enjoy!

Monday, March 14, 2011

St. Patrick's Day Menu Planning

I don't know how many of you actually celebrate St. Patrick's day and have it carry over into your kitchens.  Dave and I don't really celebrate it much more than acknowledging the day.  But I wanted to give you a few menu items that are of Irish cuisine.  You may have tried these recipes  before (a few of my personal favorites!), or maybe this is a good excuse to give them a try!  Either way, have a great day and may luck find its way to you!  ;)

Chicken & Dumpling Soup (A)

Leek & Potato Soup (C)

Braised Cabbage & Apple with Bacon (A)

Shamrock Shake (A) -- A fantastic breakfast or dessert!

And a new recipe in honor of St. Patrick's Day.  Commonly made with corned beef (which we know better than to eat!), here is a delicious Beef Hash suitable for the Core Plan!  Makes a fabulous breakfast or meal anytime in the day!

Beef Hash
Makes 4 Servings

2 tsp coconut oil
1 large onion (I prefer to use red)
3 cups diced sweet potatoes, boiled or steamed til tender
1 cup grass-fed beef brisket, chopped
1/2 cup organic sodium-free vegetable stock
1/4 cup fresh parsley, chopped fine
4 free-range eggs
Sea salt and fresh pepper, to taste

1.)  In a large skillet, heat coconut oil over Medium-High heat.  Add onion and saute until it just starts to brown, about 5 to 8 minutes.  Add sweet potatoes and cook, stirring until they brown in spots and become crusty, about 8 minutes more.  Stir in uncooked beef and cook about 5 minutes more, stirring once.

2.)  Add broth and scrape up any browned bits from bottom of pan.  Simmer until liquid is absorbed, about 5 to 8 minutes.  Add parsley and season with sea salt and pepper to taste

3.)  Meanwhile, fill a separate large stainless steel skillet with 2 inches salted water and bring to a gentle simmer.  Break eggs, one at a time, into a small tea cup and slide into the simmering water. Poach eggs until set to desired firmness, 4 to 5 minutes.  Remove with slotted spoon to a dry plate.

4.)  Place hash on plates and top with poached egg.  Serve and enjoy!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

I am Pregnant!!!!

Hi all!

I had intended to make this announcement, as referenced here, sooner than later.  But the weather this weekend has been too gorgeous to waste!  We've been out enjoying the sun and it's felt great!  I had also wanted to write a bit more on this today...but that will have to come at a later date as we're about to head out the door here in a few minutes!

SO!  Some new doors have been opened for Dave and myself.  As you can see from the title of this post, I AM PREGNANT!!!  :)  We are absolutely so so excited by God's gift!  I am just entering the 2nd trimester now, finally getting over the sickness slump and my regular appetite is re-emerging.  We're due in early September, and I just cannot wait!  This mommy-to-be is getting excited!

Baby Schwartz is changing our life plans in a few different ways.  More details on all this later as plans are made, but we'll be leaving Orlando sooner than planned and relocating to somewhere on the east coast.  It's also been making me contemplate to what level I want to be involved in our clinic once we get open.  Part of me wants to be a full time mom, part of me still wants to be plugged in to our clinic doing consultations and workshops.  Lots of thinking and praying to do!  Also, you know what this means moms???  I will now have a Maximized Living child to test recipes on!!!  Of course once baby is bigger, but this means you have a lot of more baby- and kid-friendly recipes to look forward to, as well as product reviews specific to momma and child.  With baby comes all of these great opportunities, and we couldn't be more happy!

I think my next post on pregnancy will be about my journey getting healthy and preparing my body for pregnancy.  Honestly, in a nut shell, I was infertile for many years and this is something I have been working on healing naturally for the past 2 years.  It was my mission to be healthy enough to conceive by 2013.  Well, God surprised us early!  And I'll outline the steps I took to get here.  I want to let others out there know it is possible without the use of drugs or surgery if you can just give your body the chance to heal on its own using its innate power.  There is hope!

Look forward to more prego posts to come!  But I'll be sensitive to the male followers out there and will continue to post my usual recipes and articles, too.  ;)  Thank you for all of your love and support!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Cardamom-Glazed Grilled Mango

I LOVE FLORIDA!!  Whole Foods had local organic mangos, perfectly ripe, on sale today.  I indulged and bought a few, a special treat for Dave and I who have been sticking to Advanced Plan berries and Granny Smith apples since last fall.  Prepared this simple side dish and served along side grilled chicken.

I've added about 1-2 Tablespoons of raw honey to this recipe to aid in caramelization.  Leave it out if you don't want the added sugar.  It will be just as good without, just a little less crunchy!  The slightly burned sugar gives the mango a really nice flavor, which compliments the cardamom beautifully.  If omitting honey, use a bit of lemon juice and olive oil instead.

Cardamom-Glazed Grilled Mango

2 ripe mangoes, skinned & cubed
1-2 Tbsp organic raw honey
3 green cardamom pods, shelled and ground with mortar and pestle
2 Tbsp unsweetened coconut flakes
1/4 tsp cinnamon
about 6 bamboo skewers, soaked in water

1.)  Preheat grill on High heat.  Mix all ingredients together in a medium bowl, being sure to coat all sides of the mango chunks.  Grease the grill with coconut oil.

2.)  Load the skewers with the crusted mango and set on the grill. Let it go until it just starts to brown/blacken and flip, doing the same with the other side (should take 3-4 minutes).  Serve on a bed of greens for a nice side salad.

6 skewers was a little much for just the two of us, but the grilled mango was SO good that we enjoyed for dessert atop Greek yogurt with chopped raw almonds.  Grilled mango is delicious!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Black Bean Confetti Salad

Salads, salads, salads... I've been eating so many lately and got myself into a rut!  Finding I'm wanting a week's break from spinach and kale.  So here is what I came up with for lunch today.  Thought it was very delicious, and although a salad, a great change from the usual greens!  But, you could even toss this with salad greens to make it more substantial!

Black Bean Confetti Salad
Makes 4 Servings

2 15-ounce cans organic black beans, drained and rinsed
4 organic bell peppers, a mix of colors, diced
1 organic cucumber, diced
1 organic jalapeno pepper, minced (optional)
1 white onion, diced
Juice of one large lime
3 Tbsp olive oil
1 clove garlic, pressed
1 tsp ground cumin
3/4 tsp sea salt
1/8 tsp cayenne
Handful of fresh cilantro, chopped (optional)
A few spoonfuls of organic Greek yogurt (optional)

Mix beans, bell peppers, cucumber, jalapeno, and onion in a large bowl.  In a separate, smaller bowl, whisk lime juice, olive oil, garlic, cumin, sea salt, cayenne and cilantro into a vinaigrette.  Pour vinaigrette over the bean mixture, toss well to coat, and adjust seasonings to taste.  Spoon into bowl and top with spoonful of Greek yogurt.

And that's what's for lunch today!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Seventh Generation Giveaway WINNER!!!

Good morning everyone, and thank you to ALL OF YOU who entered!  This has been the biggest giveaway on Healing Cuisine yet!  I loved reading your comments, tweets and fb messages!  And so glad to hear that some of you will be trying Seventh Generation products for the first time.  Congrats on making the switch over and hope you enjoy the product line!

And now, for THE winner...  Congratulations to Lorrie Schneck on winning her very own complete Healthy Home Starter Kit, complete with Disinfecting Multi-surface Spray, Disinfecting Bathroom Spray, Disinfecting Wipes, All-purpose Free & Clear Spray, Glass Free & Clear Spray, Shower Spray, Toilet Bowl Cleaner, Tub & Tile Spray, Natural Paper Towels, and a Seventh Generation recycled shopping tote.  Lorrie, email me your contact info and mailing address.  I'll forward on to Seventh Generation and your prize will be mailed to you:  Congrats again, so excited for you!

I had planned to get a new recipe posted as well this morning, but we had quite the busy time getting out the door and to the clinic today, so look forward to something tasty tomorrow or this weekend.  :)  Also have some big news to share SOON from our end!  Very exciting newwwws that will be opening some new doors not only for Dave and me, but for Healing Cuisine, too!

Hope you all have a very blessed weekend, light on the snow and cold weather!  I don't mean to brag, but it will be in the 70's or 80's here this weekend and sunny, so I am excited to take a few hours here and there to lay out and soak up some sun, first time since we moved down here to Orlando!  Finally going to take some Elise time and sit outside with a good book!  We're usually out at events all weekend, morning to night, but Dave's given me some time off on Saturday (yes!!).  I'm hoping spring comes for the rest of you soon.  Just think, gotta get thru March and it'll be all over! :)