Friday, March 18, 2011

Cocoa-Nut Bites

Okay, I can finally start sharing my favorite recipes that have gotten me thru some pretty intense pregnancy cravings.. I call these my Advanced Plan "Cocoa-Nut" Bites.  I've found certain flavors and foods from my childhood have been creeping back into my mind...  Grilled cheese sandwiches, Oreos, Reese's peanut butter cups...   These quick and easy little bites have filled my Reese's cravings a few times so far, getting me thru trimester 1!  And these are about 200 times healthier than a Reese's candy -- did you know they don't even use real peanuts in their peanut butter cups???  Their peanut butter is artificially created, loaded with sugar, and completely lacking protein.  When you're pregnant, protein is so so important, so I happily whip these treats up whenever the craving is upon me.  Protein packed and sugar free!  This recipe makes about 5-6 little bites, however you can easily double or triple to make more.  Would make great little treats for the kids or a party spread.  Hope you guys like them!

"Cocoa-Nut" Bites
Makes 5-6

2 Tbsp raw unsalted almond butter
1 Tbsp raw tahini
2 tsp organic cocoa powder
8-10 drops liquid stevia liquid (more/less to taste)
1 1/2 tsp pure vanilla extract
1/4 cup unsweetened shredded coconut
1 Tbsp organic raw hemp seeds
Pinch or two of sea salt

In a food processor, blend the almond butter, tahini, cocoa powder, stevia, and vanilla until a smooth paste forms.  Add the coconut flakes, hemp seeds and sea salt and pulse until just mixed.  Scoop the mixture out by teaspoonfuls and roll into balls.  (You may want to pop the mix in the fridge for 15 minutes if it's too warm to hold shape.)  Place formed Cocoa-Nut Bites on parchment-lined baking sheet and refrigerate or freeze about 20 minutes to firm.  Then, enjoy!


  1. Hi Elise,
    I made the cocoa-nut bites, but I'm wondering if the amount of vanilla is correct? All I can taste is vanilla extract. (I used Mexican vanilla, which has a high alcohol content, apparently!)

  2. It's definitely due to using the Mexican vanilla, Catherine. Don't quote me on this, but I remember reading somewhere that the conversion ratio of Mexican vanilla extract to regular bean vanilla extract is 1:2. So try halving it down to 3/4 tsp, maybe 1/2? I've not used Mexican vanilla beans or extract before as it's really hard to find a pure brand. What brand do you use?

  3. are they supposed to still be kindof soft after refrigerating overnight? Otherwise they are sooo yummy!

  4. I used regular vanilla and mine had a lot of vanilla kick to them as well. Next time I'll start with less and and increase to level I like. I also added coconut oil so that they were a little smoother. Great treat! Keep up the good work, Elise!

  5. Hi Lindsay - They should be pretty firm after refidgerating, like just enough to pick up with your fingers and not have it leave any goo behind on your fingertips. Were they so soft you had to eat them with a fork?

    Anonymous - Sorry about the overpowering vanilla flavor! What brand did you use there (just so I know for the future). We make our own vanilla using Madagascar beans. Must not be as strong of a vanilla as I thought! Thanks for the feedback, appreciate it!


Leave your comment below. I cannot wait to hear from you and am happy to answer questions! We are all hungry to learn, so feel free to make suggestions and leave your tips, too!