Thursday, March 24, 2011

Questions Answered: Maximize the Easter Basket

Tammy posed what I think is a great question and topic on the Healing Cuisine facebook page:
"What are everyone's ideas for Easter?  I grew up with the traditional candy basket!!  My kids have gotten that the last few years, but I really want to change it up without breaking their hearts.  Would love your ideas!  I know fruit is a good thing to add, but what about for the fun egg hunts?  What to put in each egg besides little trinkets?"  -  Tammy
And here I was looking for inspiration on what to write about in the Easter theme.  Well thank you Tammy!  I really think this will help a lot of Maximized Living families and keep our kids healthy!  So here is a list of my ideas.  If you have some of your own, maybe you've even done a Maximized Easter basket for your kids in the past, please share your ideas in the comments section.  We can all use the help! :)

Food Ideas:
Non-Food Ideas:
Avoid Plastic Eggs, Opt for Real
And don't forget last year's How To post on Natural Easter Egg Dyeing.  I recommend using natural hard-boiled eggs vs. plastic eggs for your egg hunts.  Plastic eggs are made of plastic.  These are handled by our kids, hands then go in their mouths, and in many cases even the plastic eggs end up in their mouths.  Control what you can and keep the dangerous BPA plastic out of your kids and home, not to mention the risk of lead paint used to dye the plastic.  Get your family involved in Easter egg dying the day before.  My mom always had us go to our rooms after Easter morning church to change into play clothes then hang out while she hid the eggs throughout the house.  (We lived in Michigan...snowy Michigan.  You can do the same thing in your backyard!)  So if you're worried about "when will I hide the eggs, I don't want them to spoil!"..take a tip from my mom and put your kids away for a half hour while you get the hard-boiled eggs set out.  They'll find them within the hour and you can pop right back in the fridge when the festivities are finished.  ;)

Any other tips and ideas out there?  Please share!!!  Happy Easter everyone!


  1. Great post. I am a grandmother and will be adding such treats as fruit and nuts. Homemade fruit roll ups. Pencils and crayons. I may borrow a few ideas from your list. Thank you for sharing.

  2. Know what I just learned? There's quinoa flour! Any ideas of what could be conjured up with quinoa flour?

    Thanks girlfriend!

  3. You're welcome Frannie! Happy Easter! :)

    Yes, Janelle, quinoa flour!! :) It's a Core Plan flour, so I don't use it often. It contains some gluten, too, and Dave's intolerant. However, you can sub quinoa flour for white or wheat flour in any recipe, it's a 1:1 ratio. It's got a unique flavor, nothing harsh or anything, but you'll want to add a little more spices or sweetener to the recipe to adjust. Quinoa flour pancakes are a fav of mine. Very fluffy! And breads turn out great, cookies... That's about all I've played around with so far. If you come up with good recipes, send my way and I'll post in your honor! ;)

  4. I always look forward to Easter baskets, and I'm 27! My mom always packs ours with a book, trail mix, some dark, homemade chocolate bark(made with stevia, of course!), and when we were little, rainboots! I remember looking forward to a book and new rainboots more than the candy.

  5. Dr. Johns has several Xylitol based candies, lollipops and caramels that you can order from his website. Just remember to moderate your consumption of xylitol products or you may end up in the bathroom! Also - xylitol is toxic to dogs, so don't let your dog steal a piece of candy from their basket.

  6. The toughest part of Easter for me is the chocolate. My daughter is allergic. Boo, I know! It sucks horribly, and we're hoping she grows out of it (she's not quite 3). We really have to be creative when it comes to stuff to put in her basket. Thanks for all the ideas!

  7. If you use the coupon code AADP on they will give you 7.5% off any order


Leave your comment below. I cannot wait to hear from you and am happy to answer questions! We are all hungry to learn, so feel free to make suggestions and leave your tips, too!