Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Guest Recipe: Hot Cereal for the Advanced Plan

Today I have another guest recipe to share.  This one comes from a great woman, Susan Dotters, who has been living the Maximized Living lifestyle for over a year, has been a longtime follower of Healing Cuisine, and has lost 45+ pounds by doing so!  Let's give Susan a round of applause!!

Susan sent me her recipe for Advanced Plan approved "Hot Cereal" this past fall.  We have been enjoying this creamy comforting porridge for breakfast.  You've really nailed it, Susan!  Thank you for letting me share your recipe here for all of us Advanced Planners to add to our arsenal.  I'm certain there are many moms saying "thank you" right now, too!  This is a whole food alternative to Cream of Wheat or oat meal.  Our 19 month old son gobbles it up!

Susan's Hot Cereal
Makes 2 servings

2 Tbsp chia seeds
4 Tbsp hemp seeds
1/2 cup unsweetened organic almond milk
1 organic Granny Smith apple, minced
about 1/2 cup filtered water
10-12 drops pure liquid stevia (more/less to taste)
1/2 tsp cinnamon
2 Tbsp raw pecans/walnuts/cashews/almonds, chopped fine

1.)  In a bowl, soak the chia and hemp seeds in the almond milk for about 30 minutes, stirring every 5 minutes with a fork.

2.)  While the seeds soak, mince a Granny Smith apple.  Add apple bits to a small sauce pan and add just enough water to cover.  Bring the pot to a simmer and cook until apples are soft, about 10-15 minutes.

3.)  Remove from heat.  Stir in stevia, cinnamon, chopped nuts, and chia/hemp seed mixture.  Warm the cereal over Low heat until warmed through.  To keep the nuts and seeds as raw as possible, do not bring it to a boil.  Top with anything you'd like (keeping it Advanced Plan of course) and serve!

This is a fabulous breakfast full of healthy fat and protein from the chia and hemp seeds.  I like to switch the flavors up by using thawed organic peaches from the freezer, fresh strawberries or blueberries, or leaving the apple out and just having the cinnamon.  Dave likes to top his with coconut milk for a creamy richness.

I have also done this as more of a porridge by heating the almond milk on the stove top first until almost boiling.  Then add everything to the blender (chia seeds, hemp seeds, stevia, cinnamon, nuts, and hot almond milk).  Blend until smooth and serve.  The chia seeds will thicken the mixture as it sits.  This blended version is even more creamy like Cream of Wheat.

Enjoy adding this to your weekly breakfast rotation!

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