Thursday, February 21, 2013

Hazelnut Latte

I have another Starbucks recipe hack for you!  Sara commented on my Pumpkin Spice Latte recipe looking for a natural and whole food alternative for her hazelnut lattes.  Here's what we do when we feel like hazelnut.  We don't use any of those flavor syrups, which are loaded with high fructose corn syrup, food dyes, and chemical flavorings.  Even the "sugar-free" options use chemically made artificial sweeteners.  Sure, there are some out there that use agave syrup, but did you know agave isn't a whole food and is processed the same way as HFCS? 

So, if flavoring syrups are out, what's a girl to do?  I'll tell you, read on!

Hazelnut Latte
Makes 1-2 Servings

10 oz fresh brewed hot organic coffee
1/3 cup raw hazelnuts (about 10-12nut)
10-30 drops of pure liquid stevia (to taste)*
Splash or two of almond milk or coconut milk (optional)**

Blend on high for 1-2 minutes. You can strain it if you want to remove the hazelnut pulp, but I don’t bother. The few small pieces of nut will sink to the bottom of your cup.
1.)  Add all ingredients to the blender and start on Low speed, gradually working up to High speed.  Blend on High for 1-2 minutes until completely smooth.  Strain if you wish, but I just drink the little bit of hazelnut pulp at the bottom of the cup. 

*You may wish to wait to add the stevia the end, once you can taste the sweetness.  Add 2-3 drops at a time and mix thoroughly, tasting between additions, if you're unsure the sweetness level of stevia.

**We don't usually add any nut milks to our hazelnut lattes, as the hazelnuts get nice and creamy when blended.  But, you may prefer it!  That is why I listed it.  We do foam some almond milk on the stove top to pour over the mug for the foam effect.


  1. I was too full for dessert today (strawberries on your awesome garbanzo cake, which also turn out cool as mini muffins, by the way!) and just as I was starting to feel a bit peckish, I saw you had a new post. I'm going to make this right now! Thank you for another super recipe re-vamp.

  2. Yay, Jessica! Hope you like it! :) I have not tried the lemon garbanzo bean cake as cupcakes yet -- genius! I'll make those for our next recipe night at the office! Thanks for the tip!


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