Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Back from Break and Ready to Cook!!

I'm baaaaack!!!  And so happy to be!  Thank you to all of you for sticking with me during my extended vacation.  I thought I would come back to crickets, but you have been wonderful participating on the facebook page, twitter feed, and commenting on past blog posts.  Thank you!  I loved staying connected with you!
Well, we officially got our new Maximized Living health center up and running in early January and have had a successful first month of business!  We are Triad Health Center, located in Greensboro, North Carolina.  We are already helping so many people in need of natural health care!  But we would love to help more.  If you know anyone in the Piedmont Triad area, we would love to get connected with them and see how we can help them or see who they know that may be looking for a resource like ours.  Email me if you'd like to introduce us to your friends, family, church, or business in the area.

Here are a few pictures of our new space.  We're still getting completely moved in and settled, but it's starting to feel like our second home away from home.  :)
Our welcome desk.  We have filled it in and made it a little more cheery since this was taken!

Sitting area and kids' corner

Grand Opening sign

Exercise area and adjustment rooms along the back.

One of the adjusting rooms.  Where the healing happens!

The start of our product center.

And now, I MUST begin getting through this list of recipes that has built up since Thanksgiving  These are all recipes that you NEED TO TRY!!!  Topping that list is the Mint Creme Fudge Brownie.   To.  Die.  For.  Tastes just like (if not better than) Betty Crocker's!  We enjoyed these on Christmas night with a large mug of homemade hot chocolate.

Mint Creme Fudge Brownie
Makes 25 Bars

1 baked Healing Cuisine Signature Brownies

2 Tbsp organic unsalted butter, room temp (or solid coconut oil)
1 cup powdered xylitol
1-2 Tbsp unsweetened almond milk
5 drops pure peppermint oil
8-15 drops liquid chlorophyll for green color (optional)

3 ounces bakers chocolate
15 drops liquid stevia
1 Tbsp coconut oil

1.)  FUDGE BROWNIE LAYER  Prepare and bake my Healing Cuisine Signature Brownies.  Cool completely before proceeding.

2.)  MINT CREME LAYER  In a stand mixer, beat the butter, powdered xylitol, peppermint oil, and 1 Tablespoon of almond milk until smooth.  If mixture needs to be thinned, add the second Tablespoon of almond milk.  Add chlorophyll one drop at a time while blending until the desired green color is achieved.  Spread the mint creme over the brownies and place in fridge for 15-20 minutes while you prepare chocolate layer.

3.)  CHOCOLATE LAYER  In a small pot, over Low heat, melt the chocolate with the coconut oil.  Remove from heat.  Stir in stevia liquid until smooth.  Taste and sweeten to desired sweetness with stevia.  Place in fridge for 15 minutes to cool. 

4.)  Once chocolate is cooled, pour it over the mint cream layer and spread evenly to cover all of the mint creme.  Return to fridge to cool completely 2 hours before slicing and serving.

I hope you enjoy these!  They are so easy to prepare and a great accompaniment to coffee or hot chocolate.


  1. Wow, your place looks amazing!! Too bad we can't teleport it and you all here... AND THOSE BROWNIES, those had me drooling from the name alone. Can't wait to get some time on the weekend to make them.

  2. Thanks Jessica! Well, you can always teleport down here for a little spring break. ;) Any time!! You and your hubby will really enjoy these brownies. Brew some coffee to go with. They're rich and minty and so good!


Leave your comment below. I cannot wait to hear from you and am happy to answer questions! We are all hungry to learn, so feel free to make suggestions and leave your tips, too!