Sunday, December 2, 2012

25 Days of Christmas Giveaways: Day 3 from Pacific Natural Foods

Welcome to Day 3 of the 25 Days of Christmas Giveaways here at Healing Cuisine!  Today's giveaway is hosted by Pacific Natural Foods.  This is one of my favorite brands for organic stocks, soups, and nut milks.  It is my top choice aside from homemade for two major reasons: #1) they use organic whole food non-GMO verified ingredients, #2) their cartons are 100% BPA-free.  This is the only product line I have found for stocks/soups/nut milks to offer a BPA-free carton.  And it's a very easy to find brand in your local grocery store or natural foods store.

Pacific Natural Foods sent me a 3-pack box of their organic soup starters.  This is their newest product line addition, and I hadn't tried them out yet so I was happy to learn about these.  They sent me three different flavors: Vegetarian Pho, Thai Tom Yum, and Tortilla soup bases.  These soup starters are like the in-between of their stocks and their soups.  It's a smooth blend of stock with spices and veggies to start provide the perfectly flavored base for your soup with loads.  All you have to do is pour the carton of soup starter into your pot, add in veggies, beans, and/or meat, heat through and you've got dinner in 15 minutes or less!

I really enjoyed trying the soup starters.  With our on-the-go schedules, it's quite often my husband and I don't get home from work until close to 9 or 10pm, and then I don't feel like cooking at all!  I really appreciated that the carton of each flavor soup starter had recipe suggestions as to what to add to the pot.  It made using the soup starters really easy for me.

There are five Soup Starter flavors to choose from:   Beef Pho, Chicken Pho, Vegetarian Pho, Tom Yum, and Tortilla.  (Check out their ingredients with each link.  You'll see they are all fairly low in sodium for a packaged soup.)  My favorite of the three flavors I received to sample was the Tom Yum.  I made a thai noodle soup, adding a few Tablespoons of coconut butter to the soup starter, lots of crushed red pepper, fish sauce, bell pepper, spiralized zucchini noodles, and spinach.  Simmered until warmed though and zucchini was limp.  In all, it took about 15 minutes to make the soup from prep, and boy was it delicious!

If you're looking to save on Pacific products, sign up here to receive their online coupons.  If you're like me, every penny of savings counts!


We will have THREE individual winners for today's giveaway!!!  Enter to win your very own 3-pack of soup starters from Pacific Natural Foods!  This giveaway will last 24 hours, from midnight EST on Friday December 2nd until 11:59pm EST the same day.  Entering is easy!  Simply follow the various options below in the Rafflecopter widget window.    This Pacific brand giveaway is open to continental U.S.A. residents only.  There will be three winners.  The winners will be contacted within 48 hours after the giveaway ends.  All entries are verified via Rafflecopter.

Be sure to come back tomorrow and EVERY DAY through December for a chance to win a new prize!  You can win multiple times, so please don't be shy to come back!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Leave your comment below. I cannot wait to hear from you and am happy to answer questions! We are all hungry to learn, so feel free to make suggestions and leave your tips, too!