Sunday, December 16, 2012

25 Days of Christmas Giveaways: Day 17 from Nellie's All-Natural

Congrats to Trina G. on winning Day 13's Lip Shine Gift Set from Lavanila!

I know many of you may already know about today's company.  And if you don't, you should!  It's Nellie's All-Natural, a Canadian-based company that also holds a large presence in the USA.  Nellie's All-Natural makes, as their name suggests, all natural laundry care products.  I have been using their PVC-free dryer balls for many years now.  I love them!  But I hadn't tried their laundry soda before.

When I contacted Nellie's All-Natural about our 25 Days of Christmas Giveaways series, they were happy to participate and wanted to send me a bag of their 50 Load Laundry Soda to sample and review.  I was pretty excited, because this happened right at the time we were moving from Charlotte to Greensboro, and I was out of my homemade batch of laundry soap (and I admittingly didn't feel like stirring up another batch).  The timing couldn't be more perfect!

I like everything that Nellie's All-Natural makes.  Their ingredients are minimal and natural.  The Laundry Soda is made up of two ingredients: Sodium Silicate, Coconut oil based surfactants.  It's not going to foam up like the conventional laundry soaps would.  And that's why they call it a Laundry Soda.  But don't let the lack of foam fool you!  This Laundry Soda is powerful!  The surfactants are what go in and strip the oils and grease from the clothing fibers.  These can be pretty toxic if made from chemicals.  It's an important thing that I look for if I'm buying laundry detergent that they use plant derived surfactants.  I appreciate Nellie's telling us that they use coconut oil based surfactants.  Any time a company is up front and honest is a thumbs up!

This is actually part of the mission of Nellie's All-Natural.  The founder of the company, originally a woman named Nellie, believed strongly in honesty and simplicity.  It was with this set of beliefs that the non-toxic and earth friendly product line was created.  They hold on to the rules of simplicity and truth still today.

I am really enjoying using Nellie's Laundry Soda.  The toughest test for our home was on Austin's cloth diapers.  I only do diaper loads once per week, so the detergent must be powerful, but also has to be natural so it doesn't ruin the diapers or irritate Austin's skin. And I'll just say it...he's on to solid foods and you can imagine the destruction that lies in that dirty diaper pale by the end of the week.    Nellie's Laundry Soda was up to the challenge!

Now get this.  You only have to add 1 TABLESPOON per load.  Just one!  I still can't get over it! Everything comes out clean and fresh with such a small amount of detergent added to the washing drum.  I'll confess, I did add 2 Tablespoons to the washer the first time I tested Nellie's Laundry Soda on Austin's diapers.  I was astonished at how clean they came out that I did just the 1 Tablespoon for the next load of diapers.  It was all they needed.  His diapers came out perfectly, no stains and no need for an extra rinse!  Our clothes come out nice and clean.  I've been using the Laundry Soda for over a month now, and our clothes are still coming out beautifully, and I have not noticed any buildup on the cloth diapers.  They are working just as they should.  I'm very impressed with the working power of this Laundry Soda. 

You can purchase Nellie's Laundry Soda and other products at your local health food store or co-op, on their website, or on  Their dish washer nuggets are great, too, if you're looking for a natural option!

And, Nellie's All-Natural is giving away a bag of 50 Load Laundry Soda to one lucky USA or Canada winner!  Enter below for your chance to win about three months worth of natural laundry detergent!


Enter to win a bag of 50 Load Laundry Soda from Nellie's All-Natural!  This giveaway will last 24 hours, from midnight EST on Sunday December 16th until 11:59pm EST the same day.  Entering is easy!  Simply follow the various options below in the Rafflecopter widget window.    This Nellie's All-Natural giveaway is open to continental U.S.A. and Canada residents only.  There will be one winner.  The winner will be contacted and confirmed within 48 hours after the giveaway ends.  All entries are verified via Rafflecopter.

Be sure to come back tomorrow and EVERY DAY through December for a chance to win a new prize!  You can win multiple times, so please don't be shy to come back!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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