Thursday, May 10, 2012

Natural Cleaning Week: Tub & Tile

We're winding down our week of Natural Cleaning Tips.  I've got to say, the question I get emailed most often when it comes to natural cleaning is how do you do your bathrooms without chemicals??  Okay, I'll share my secrets with you...  And yes, it is completely possible to eliminate soap scum and moldy build up without the use of harsh chemicals!

Now let me shamelessly put in a plug right now for you to switch to all-natural body care products.  If you're not sure if what you're currently using is natural or not, look it up on the EWG's Cosmetic Database.  The majority of soap scum buildup and slimy residue comes from the chemicals left behind from toxic body care products.  You'll find after switching to natural methods of body care, your bathroom will stay cleaner longer, and require less scrubbing maintenance in the future.

For the counters and toilet I use my All-Purpose Spray mix.  For the toilet bowl, I add a few splashes of distilled white vinegar and a good scrub with the toilet brush.  (If you have hard water or lime stains, use 2 cups of vinegar and a few Tablespoons of baking soda and scrub away.)  And for the mirrors, I use my Window Spray mix.

For some bath tubs and tiles, the simple All-Purpose Spray will do the job.  For tougher tubs and tile stains, you'll need a little stronger mix.  Here are my methods:

Stained Bath Tubs

bristle brush

1.)  Wet the bathtub and drain out any remaining water, just so that the stains are moistened.  You can use plain water, or spritz with the All-Purpose vinegar spray.

2.)  In a small bowl, add some borax powder.  Judge by the size of your stains how much you may need.  Add water to the borax a few drops at a time, stirring with a metal spoon until a paste forms.

3.)  Apply the paste to the dirty tub.  Let sit for 10-20 minutes.  Scrub with a bristle brush, the stains should dissolve away with little work.

Dirty Tile Grout

hydrogen peroxide (3%)
baking soda
clean rag or old toothbrush

1.)  First, remove any surface dirt/scum with a good wipe down with the All-Purpose spray.  In a small bowl, add some baking soda.  Judge by the size of your grout/tiles how much you may need.  Add hydrogen peroxide a few drops at a time, stirring with a metal spoon until a paste forms.

2.)  Apply the past to the dirty tile grout.  Let sit for 30 minutes.  Wipe away with a dampened rag, or for tougher stains, scrub with an old toothbrush.  Finish with a rinse of the entire wall/floor of tile.


  1. Awesome! We've been slowly but surely going natural, we're about 50/50 right now and the bathroom is the room where I like chemicals the most. (I know, I know) I am trying to wean my hypochondriac-self off the bleach in the bathroom!

    Ryan @ Thismustbetheplaceryan

  2. Awesome, Ryan! I know, it was a weaning process off the bleach and Windex for me, too. But once you go green, there's no going back! :) Keep it up!

  3. Is there a reason that you specify using a METAL spoon when mixing with hydrogen peroxide and baking soda?

  4. Yes, there is always a chance that plastic or wood will react with the baking soda / hydrogen peroxide combination. When making your homemade cleaning products, always use stainless steel or glass utensils whenever possible.


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