Saturday, April 9, 2011

We are moving!

Charlotte, North Carolina, here we come!

Ever since we found out Baby Schwartz is on the way, we've been doing some hard thinking and praying about our career plans and life in the next 9 months (now down to just 5 months left til baby arrives!).  God has definitely been guiding us.  Pieces of life's journey have been coming together for us week by week.  I am very excited.  Dave is SO excited!  And yes, we'll be moving to Charlotte, NC the end of this month! :)

We're planning to take a little career detour.  Instead of jumping right in to opening his own practice in North Carolina right away this fall, which was our original plan, Dave will be going to work within a Maximized Living clinic in Charlotte for some time.  This is a huge blessing, because while he will have his own client base, we won't have to stress about the cost of opening a small business right away, the same time baby is due to be born.  I am so happy for Dave, my Dr. Dave.  :)  He still gets to live out his dream as a Maximized Living chiropractor, transforming and saving lives every day.  It's going to be great!

Here is the shocking part.  I'll be taking some time off from working.  I'm a little nervous about this, because I'm usually the type of person who has two or three jobs going on at once along with little projects.. I'm worried I might get bored.  But at the same time, I've got a stack of baby books to read, need to catch up on yoga, and need to nail down a daily routine for practicing my birth affirmations and relaxation techniques.  Honestly, I haven't been able to commit enough time every day to myself and baby that needs to happen for a safe and peaceful birth.  So all in all, I think this will be a good thing for all three of us.  Happy wife, happy life, right?  ;)

I'll still be keeping up my website tho, and I'm sure the relaxed schedule will allow for some tasty recipe creations in the coming months!  And consults, I'll still be able to do those, too.  Feel free to contact me if that is something you are interested in.  We can arrange a time to meet or Skype/talk via phone.

So this is our latest big news.  Wanted to share, as my posting might be a little sporadic here in the coming few weeks until we get settled in Charlotte.  If any of you are from the Charlotte area, please please email me!!  We don't know anyone the area, let alone NC, and would love to talk to you!

And had wanted to post a baby belly pic today, but camera is in need of a charge.  We snapped one today -- entering week 19.  Belly is getting bigger every day it seems!  Dave says I still look tiny, but let me tell you, I feel big.  It's just so exciting to have a little person in there!  :)

Hope you all have a fabulous rest of your weekend!  Blessings!

1 comment:

  1. Dear Elise,

    I am so happy for you and your husband and your pregnancy.

    I know you will be plenty busy preparing for baby. I am so glad you are still writing recipes for the website.

    Elise, you always answer all my comments. I do not know how you do it with so many people to answer. I love your website.

    Bless you and Dave, Cathy


Leave your comment below. I cannot wait to hear from you and am happy to answer questions! We are all hungry to learn, so feel free to make suggestions and leave your tips, too!