Thursday, January 13, 2011

Product Review: The Organic Whey

A few weeks ago, I was a happy recipient of a container of The Organic Whey certified organic, "thoughtfully raw," 100% grass fed, hormone-free and gluten-free protein powder.  The company was kind enough to ship it to me so I could sample.  Happy to say I am so pleased with everything about this protein powder, and especially the company!

The Organic Whey was founded under a fabulous philosophy, which I and I'm sure many of you fall right in line with.  After they looked at dozens of protein powders on the market (which I'm sure most of them claimed to be natural), they found none to be truly natural.  And think about the slew of ingredients in most commercial whey colorings, preservatives, denatured non-organic whey...etc.  This is what drove the founders of The Organic Whey to create this wonderful pure product.  I encourage you to read their philosophy and mission statement here.
What is unique about The Organic Whey is the specific way they process their whey (haha, sorry, couldn't help but laugh).  In order for any food to remain raw thru processing, meaning all nutritional value is left fully intact, it cannot be heated over 118 degrees F.  If raw fruits/vegetables/dairy/meat/nuts/anything is heated past that, the food is chemically altered to create carcinogens and an acidic food vs. alkaline food.  This is why I am SO excited about The Organic Whey!  Their protein powder is completely raw!  This means our bodies can thrive from it.

It is also great that the ONLY ingredient in this whey protein powder is whey!  No added fillers, preservatives, colorings or flavorings.  Since this is a "plain" flavored powder, it is very versatile.  When we mixed with cold water, I personally thought it had a sweet almost light vanilla taste, but Dave thought it to be just a plain flavor.  It mixes well and isn't gritty.  I do love that there isn't that overpowering vanilla or chocolate flavor to the mix, which most commercial proteins take on.  This means YOU control the ingredients in your smoothies.  If you want vanilla, add some organic extract.  You want chocolate?  Add some organic cocoa powder and a little stevia.  Simple as that.

So, if you can't tell, I am very satisfied with The Organic Whey protein powder.  Here is a new smoothie we created using the powder.  It would also be great in any of my smoothies already on Healing Cuisine!

Green Tea Spinach Smoothie
Makes 1 Serving

12 organic frozen raspberries
2 heaping Tbsp The Organic Whey protein powder
1/2 cup strong brewed organic green tea, cooled/cold
1 big handful organic fresh spinach, rinsed
1/2 cup organic unsweetened almond milk
1/3 cup organic full-fat coconut milk
1 Tbsp ground flax seeds (optional)

Add frozen raspberries and spinach to blender and puree to a pulp (may need to add a little of the almond milk).  Add all remaining ingredients to and blend until smooth.  Enjoy!
Visit The Organic Whey:  I recommend signing up for their weekly newsletter, it's great!  Deals, organic recipes and more!  Give their protein powder a try and you will not be disappointed!  I love it!


  1. Looks like a great product! Reading the statement above "If raw fruits/vegetables/dairy/meat/nuts/anything is heated past that, the food is chemically altered to create carcinogens and an acidic food vs. alkaline food," you're saying any cooked meat or cooked vegetables are carcinogens? I understand the chemical composition is altered and agree with that, and is understandable that things might be more acidic (esp related to vegetables) but this statement seems a little contradictory to meat being healthy. And doesn't seem inline with the ML Nutrition book. Would you please elaborate a bit more?

  2. They pasteurize the milk, no? So it's not actually raw.

  3. Hi El-eese (God in you). Thanks so much for passing on info re great new products.

    Just wondering, I currently take Nature Pro. Are you aware of any notable differences between the 2, other than flavours?


  4. Rebecca: Great question! While their milk at the very beginning is pasteurized, you can note here: that it is only for an extremely short amount of time and heated indirectly via water. After talking with the company, this is only to meet the standard of pasteurization in order to sell the product publicly. The beauty is the whey is never affect thru this process and still comes out raw. It's quite cool the science behind their processing system. Most common milk products are heated to much higher temperatures under direct heat for a long period of time which is when the denaturing occurs.

  5. Anonymous: Thanks for your question. I encourage you to read more into the benefits of eating raw. The Maximized Living Nutrition Plan absolutely advocates eating raw whenever possible. When food of any kind, and yes this includes meat, is heated, it changes the molecular structure of the food. I and raw foodists alike are not saying cooked foods are carcinogens, BUT studies have shown that by cooking a whole food nutritional value is greatly depleted, the food is more acidic to the body, and there are carcinogens left on the outside of the food. A common example is grilling a burger. The black crusty parts are carcinogens that you can physically see. Same goes for sauteing a pepper, there are carcinogens present once you have heated that pepper and pressed it against the hot skillet. Whether the pepper turned black or not, it is still damaged.

    Back onto meat, it may not be written clearly in the ML Nutrition Plans book, I'm not sure at the moment, but when it comes to eating meat, if you are going to cook it you don't want to eat it very often. Even cooked grass-fed red meat, while very alkaline, can still lower life expectancy if consumed more than a couple days a week.

    Hope this answered your question! On lunch break now so only a few minutes to write out my thoughts. :)

  6. Juliegirl: hey! :) Great question about Nature Pro. I personally just use The Organic Whey or an organic vegetable protein (pea protein, hemp protein). This is because The Organic Whey is certified raw and certified organic while Nature Pro is neither raw or organic. Also, it's hard to tell and I haven't found out yet where Nature Pro gets its milk/whey from. I know Maximized Living uses a third party to get their products then put their label on them. I'm always a bit leery about this personally. This is what makes The Organic Whey so great -- all their pasture locations and info is right on their site, everything is grass fed, and you can call the farms or go see them if you wanted to. Their in California tho, so it'd be a ways for us, haha. Anyway, I am just in love with The Organic Whey. So happy to have found them! Definitely keep using Nature Pro if you are satisfied with it, but maybe try The Organic Whey if you want to see what it's like.

  7. Looks awesome. Definitely would help as a Vegetarian - Can never be short of Protein, it would seem!

  8. I bought this based on your recommendation. In the past, my experience with protein powders have been that they taste, well, like powder. This powder, however, has a really creamy, milky texture (a good thing). I loved it. Because it is expensive, I am using it in recipes (like your protein bars) where I can "stretch" it a little more. Thank you for my introduction to the Organic Whey.

  9. If I could pick up on the pasteurization comment.
    The milk used by The Organic Whey is heated to 161°F, which is way above the 118°F limit for raw food. The method of using hot water for pasteurization is pretty standard practise as well.

    No matter which way you look at it The Organic Whey IS NOT RAW.


Leave your comment below. I cannot wait to hear from you and am happy to answer questions! We are all hungry to learn, so feel free to make suggestions and leave your tips, too!