Monday, December 20, 2010

Homeward Bound

Dave and I have been staying with our dear friends Dr. Drew, Lyra and family in Eau Claire, Wisconsin for the past month.  Now we are finally venturing home for Christmas after about 5 months total of nomadic living.  We've been all over the map since August, and it's only going to get better in 2011.

Dave had traveled to Canada in August for his final internship of chiropractic school.  I stayed back in Minneapolis but eventually drove over to join him in London, Ontario.  We had the opportunity to move back to the States to help out Dr. Drew and Lyra with their Maximized Living office and were very excited to come back.  Our month here in Wisconsin is up, and today we are homeward bound.  Home is the Upper Peninsula of Michigan (also referred to as the U.P. in many of my posts), Houghton area to be exact.  We're pretty excited to be making the drive home for a week's stay.  We've been living out of our suitcases and a single room for long enough.  Time to relax and cozy up in our good old beds! :)

We are looking forward to many great meals and spending time with family and friends.  Very excited to see my aunts Ruth and Claudia again!  Ruth is coming from Washington D.C. area and Claudia all the way from Japan.  It's not every Christmas that they can make the trips home.  This will be an extra special year for us!
The U.P. gets a lot of snow...
With the snow, God blesses us with beautiful scenes.
A pasty.  Oooh yum!
While we're not looking forward to the many feet of snow waiting for us, we are super excited to pick up our favorite comfort food: a pasty (pronounced pass-tee).  I am still working on making these Advanced Plan friendly, but Core Planners unite in joy!  These are an Upper Peninsula classic, a savory meat and veggies pie.  Eat hot or cold, as is or with ketchup or is the one thing I long for throughout the year until we can come home again.

So for now, consider me on vacation.  More healing recipes to come after Christmas!  Many blessings and sweet wishes for you and yours thru this week and next.

xo <3   Elise


Don't forget to take advantage of the $9.99 SALE on Season's Eatings holiday e-cookbook!  I'll be preparing a fabulous spread of the recipes from Season's Eatings for my own family this year.  It also makes a great gift! :)


  1. Count me as jealous! We couldn't make it home for the holidays because of work commitments, I am very bummed. Enjoy your time UP north and give my love to mother Keweenaw.

  2. Thanks, Ruth! We arrived this evening... aaah, good to be home. Sorry you can't make the trip this year! I'll be sure to eat a pasty in your honor. :)


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