Thursday, November 4, 2010

Stay tuned for a week of One Pot Wonders!

Stay tuned for a week of One Pot Wonders!  I'll be sharing seven of my favorite one pot meals (casseroles, soups, stews) beginning Sunday afternoon!  These will be recipes you can make in advance, divide into smaller dishes and freeze for days/weeks to come!  Dave and I love one pot meals because they fit into our busy schedules.  These recipes will help your family if you're also in a time crunch, especially at the end of the day!  Just pull from the fridge and reheat on the stove.  Simple as that!

If meal planning seems to be the big issue for your family, then you may be interested in setting up a time to meet with me either in person or over a video call.  You can read more about what you will receive here:  Services & Consultations Page.  And don't worry, you're not alone.  I get emails on a daily basis from all over the nation with questions on "maximized" meal planning.  There is a learning curve to it and practice makes perfect.  Don't be afraid to reach out for help!

And just an observation from this morning.  I made some coconut flour/quinoa flour pancakes this morning (recipe posting in a couple weeks) and used up the final few tablespoons of coconut oil in our gallon bucket.  That's right, a gallon of coconut oil.  Here is a cost saving tip: we buy our organic coconut oil in bulk for $50.  It lasted us 10 months (and we use it in/on everything...including our bodies - hair conditioner and body lotion) and traveled all over with us (we've been noted as the nomad Schwartz family lately with all the moving and living with other families we've been doing..:).

A small container of coconut oil (29 oz) is $22.  That's not even close to half the size of of a gallon bucket (128 oz) and is almost half the price.  We buy from Nutiva,  They ship right to your door and all you have to do is scoop out a cupful or two and store in a smaller container on your counter.  Keep the bucket hidden away until you need to refill.  Simple as that, and well worth the savings!


  1. Thanks for the great tip! I LOVE coconut oil and use it for the same reasons you do, so this will be a big saver. I also have to say that I. CAN´T. STOP. EATING. those Loaded Chocolate Bars! Great recipe.

  2. Hi Tall Girl! Isn't coconut oil amazing??

    Haha, glad you are loving the Loaded Chocolate Bars. They are my fav! And I agree -- addicting. ;)

  3. Thought you'd like to know...I've found a place to get Extra Virgin Coconut oil for even cheaper, especially when they have sales! My first time to get it from, it was on sale for $38 for a gallon! Normally, it's a little under $50. Just thought you'd be interested, Elise! Oh, also, how do you manage to make the oil last for 10 months?!? Ours only lasted 5 months! :o/

  4. Very cool! Thanks for the info, Melanie! I'm not sure HOW we make our gallon last 10 months.. perhaps because it's just the two of us? I'm sure this will change after baby arrives and grows. :)


Leave your comment below. I cannot wait to hear from you and am happy to answer questions! We are all hungry to learn, so feel free to make suggestions and leave your tips, too!