Thursday, September 30, 2010

Season's Eating Holiday e-Book is Published!!

Hi Everyone!

I am so happy to bring you a complete holiday menu planner, perfect for upcoming Thanksgiving and Christmas meals!  You CAN eat customary holiday favorites on your Maximized Living Nutrition Plan!!  Season's Eatings provides you with the tools you need to successfully prepare your meals, from appetizers to desserts.  Read more here and enjoy a sample of the book below.  To order, simply click the Order Now button, complete the few simple steps, and your copy of Season's Eatings will be emailed to you instantly!  Enjoy and happy Healing Cuisine cooking!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Smashed Chickpea Salad

Smashed Chickpea Salad

2 cups chickpeas, rinsed
2 Tbsp organic black olives, pitted, halved thinly sliced
1 Tbsp red onion, minced
1 Tbsp fresh parsley, chopped
Fresh zest and juice of 1 lemon
1/2 tsp sea salt
Fresh black pepper to taste
2 Tbsp olive oil

Mix everything but the olive oil in a medium bowl.  Very lightly smash the chickpea mixture with the back of a fork or a potato masher. You’re not looking for a hummus-like puree, but something closer to a coarse chop.  Add the olive oil, mix it lightly and enjoy.

You can serve this salad a couple of different ways:  as is, over a bed of fresh salad greens, spread over toasted sprouted bread,  fill a roasted red pepper with it.  Plenty of delicious flavor combinations!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Quick, Easy, Raw Apple Butter

Leave the skins on your apples and puree to create an almost whipped cream, apple style!  We enjoy this on toasted Ezekiel Bread or sometimes over organic vanilla coconut ice cream.

Apple Butter

3 Granny Smith apples, cored and chopped, peels still on
1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
1/4 tsp ground ginger
1/4 tsp grated nutmeg
1/8 tsp ground cloves
1/2-1 tsp lemon zest
2 tsp fresh lemon juice
1 tsp stevia powder

Combine ingredients in a food processor and puree until well combined and thick.  Be sure the skins are finely minced.  You may need to scrape down the sides often.  Will keep in fridge about 1 week.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Kombucha Mojito

For a moment, I thought I invented this delicious refreshing combination of Kombucha and mint.  After a quick Google, alas, others have already stumbled upon the perfect fusion.  It's really great tho!  Possibly better enjoyed in the summer sitting on the deck in the steamy heat, but I enjoyed a large glassful this afternoon relaxing in my living room watching the chilly rain pour down.

Kombucha Mojito

1 cup plain Kombucha, chilled
1 lime, quartered
6 fresh mint leaves
1 cup filtered water (more/less to taste)
4-6 drops of stevia
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
a shake of sea salt (optional)
Ice (optional)

Muddle mint with lime in a tall glass.  Add stevia, vanilla, sea salt (optional) and ice.  Pour in Kombucha.  Top off with water.

Variation:  Muddle in a handful of fresh organic berries for a Berry Kombucha Mojito.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Questions Answered: Flavoring Your Almond Milk

Today, Lo was checking out the How To post on Almond Milk and wrote in asking:  "Any way to give it flavoring, especially chocolate, that so many of the store brands have?"  GREAT question!  Let me share with you the different flavors I have had success with in the past.  If anyone else out there has flavoring ideas, please send them along in the comments section or by email!

To the Vanilla recipe found here, add these ingredients to Step 3, blend, then strain thru cheesecloth or nut milk bag:

Chocolate Almond Milk: add 2 Tablespoons raw cacao nibs or unsweetened cocoa powder + more stevia to taste
Berry Almond Milk: add 2 cups fresh organic strawberries
Chai Almond Milk: add 1 tsp cinnamon, 1/2 tsp cardamon, 1/4 tsp nutmeg, 1/4 tsp allspice, 1/8 tsp cloves
Cinnamon Almond Milk: add 1-2 tsp cinnamon

Another tip for your plain or vanilla flavored almond milk is to save the leftover solids and make your next batch of raw almond flour from the leftover bits.  Lay them out over a baking sheet to air dry.  Once dry, grind into powder in your blender!

A few updates...

Check out my new Services & Consultations page!  If you or a loved one are in need of direction or help understanding the Maximized Living Nutrition Plans or better eating habits in general, I'm happy to help!  I will be in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area for only 2 more weeks.  In the first week of October, I'll be in London, Ontario.  Contact me if you'd like to schedule!  Not in Minneapolis or London?  Let's set up a Skype or email consult!

Also, I fixed that printing error that some of your were experiencing.  Thanks to Megan for letting me know about it!  At the bottom of each post, you will now see a Printer Friendly and PDF button.  Some of you know I LOVE  Well,  I was ecstatic to find a new service for bloggers like me.  I've linked my site to them so you can now print, PDF save, or email any recipe/post you like quickly and painlessly.  You will also be given the option to delete any graphics, paragraphs, whatever before saving/printing.  LOVE IT! :)  Hope you find it helpful!

I'm working hard on my Holiday recipes book!  It's almost finished and ready to post to the site!  I'm excited to share these recipes with you that we have enjoyed the last few years over Christmas and Thanksgiving.  I want this Holiday season to be the easiest for you while allowing you to enjoy some of your traditional favorites, all within your M.L. Nutrition Plan!  More to come, stay tuned!

Hope everyone has a blessed rest of their Sunday!  Enjoy the sun!!   ~ Elise

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Oozy Caramel

So it's not really caramel, not the traditional high fructose corn syrup variety you're used to seeing on grocery store shelves..but it will give you that taste and effect!  Give this recipe a try, it's quite amazing!  It's the coming of apple season after all, and this is a great way to enjoy apples!! Dip in or drizzle over homemade ice cream or organic Greek yogurt!  Remember it is sugar, although natural sugar.  Only have a little bit if weight loss or overcoming disease is your concern!

Oozy Caramel

2 Tbsp honey of your choice*
4 Tbsp organic butter, halved
1/4 c unsweetened apple cider
1/2 tsp cinnamon (optional)
About 2 tsp fresh lemon juice
Splash of vanilla extract

1.)  Melt 2 Tbsp butter in a sauce pan on Medium-Low heat.  When it is melted, add the cinnamon and vanilla.  Then, add the cider, and bring up to a simmer.

2.) Add honey, lemon, and the rest of the butter.  Simmer, stirring constantly, making sure to scrape up any spots that might start to stick.  Once it gets nice and thick, take off the heat and serve!

*You can make this recipe using flavored honeys, I did it the a second time using a huckleberry honey we bought while in Colorado for a Maximized Living seminar.  If you don't eat/like honey, you can use raw brown sugar or grade B maple syrup for a similar effect, but you might have to adjust the proportions of the other ingredients.

**Please note this is NOT an Advanced Plan recipe!!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Simple Kale Side Dish

Simple Kale

1-2 Tbsp coconut oil
1/2 c onion, chopped
3 cloves garlic, minced
1 bunch organic kale, destemmed & chopped
3 Tbsp Bragg apple cider vinegar
1 tsp fresh lemon juice
Sea salt and pepper to taste

In a medium skillet, heat coconut oil over Medium heat.  Add onion and saute until translucent.  Toss in kale leaves, garlic, lemon juice and vinegar and saute for about a minute, just until the kale brightens in color.  Transfer to a bowl to prevent overcooking and toss with salt and pepper.  Make a great side dish to any meat or fish!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Gluten Free Chocolate Chip Cookies

Gluten Free Chocolate Chip Cookies
Makes 12 cookies

2 1/2 cups almond flour
1/4 tsp sea salt
1/4 tsp baking soda
1/2 cup raw butter or coconut oil, melted
1 Tbsp organic vanilla extract
4 tsp spoonable stevia powder
1 cup 73%+ dark chocolate chips

1.)  Combine dry ingredients in a large bowl, leaving out the chocolate chips for now.  With a spoon, make a well in the middle of the dry ingredients.

2.)  Mix together the wet ingredients.  Pour into well of dry ingredients and stir until well combined.

3.)  Fold in chocolate chips.  Form 1 inch balls with your hands and press flat onto an all-natural parchment-lined baking sheet.

4.)  Bake at 350 degrees F for 8-12 minutes, until light brown at the edges.  Cool and devour.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Zucchini & Mushroom Crumble

I'm still enjoying fresh zucchini over here.  This dish turned out more like a crumble than a casserole, and thus I titled it such.  The crumb topping is also great for fruit crumbles or other savory combinations of vegetables and meat.

Zucchini & Mushroom Crumble
Makes 8-10 Servings

6 medium zucchinis, washed and chopped or julienned
3 c mushrooms, mixed variety, wiped clean and chopped thin
1 medium onion, diced
1 Tbsp dried thyme and parsley (more/less to taste)
Sea salt and fresh black pepper to taste
1 tsp coconut flour
1 Tbsp coconut oil

1 1/2 c almond flour
1/2 c sliced almonds
2 Tbsp cold, unsalted raw butter
3/4 tsp sea salt
1/3 c raw Parmesan cheese, grated

1.)  PREPARING THE CRUMB TOPPING:  Combine the almond flour, butter, and sea salt in a food processor and pulse until it resembles bread crumbs (or by hand, cut the butter into the flour with your finger tips until it resembles bread crumbs).  With your fingers, work in sliced almonds until well combined with the butter crumbs.  Refrigerate the crumble, covered, until the filling is ready to be topped.

To Make Your Own Almond Flour:  Pulse raw almonds in a food processor until they are a fine, fluffy flour.  Tilt the machine back and forth, side to side, to disperse the nuts every few pulses.  Don't switch the machine to ON (continuous) or you'll quickly wind up with almond butter.  Sift out any larger pieces of nuts using a medium-mesh strainer.  Measure out 2 cups of almond flour.  Freeze the rest.

Altering this recipe for fruit crumbles:  Add about 2 tsp spoonable stevia, 1 tsp nutmeg, and 2 tsp cinnamon to the crumble and prepare the same way.  (ginger, clove, anise, may also be good spicing options)

2.)  In a large skillet, heat about a Tablespoon of coconut oil of Medium/Medium-High heat.  Add the onions and saute for about 5 minutes, until softened.  Add zucchini, thyme, parsley, salt and pepper.  Stir to combine.  Cover and reduce heat to low.  Simmer for about 12 minutes with lid on until zucchini is slightly softened.

3.)  Remove lid and stir in the chopped mushrooms to the pan.  Return heat to Medium-High and cook for about ten minutes, until the mushrooms have shrunk and have released their water.  Sprinkle in the 1 teaspoon of coconut flour and stir to thicken the mixture/absorb the excess liquid.

4.)  Pour the mushroom-zucchini mixture into a large glass casserole dish (I used a 9x13 inch).  Spread crumb mixture evenly over top.  Sprinkle the top with grated Parmesan and bake at 300 degrees F for about 20 minutes, or until crumb topping is nicely browned and cheese is melted.  **Keep an eye on it tho, as almond flour/almonds/nuts brown more quickly than white flour or oats.  That's why we're cooking it at a lower temperature, but still watch out so your crumble doesn't burn!  It's too good to waste!  :)** 

TIP:  You can prepare this dish a day ahead of time.  You'll need to bake it for about 15 minutes covered with foil first, and then 15-20 mins uncovered if taking it from the fridge.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Vanilla Bean Ice Cream

Dave and I hosted a party for the Twin Cities Maximized Living Club.  We did a pot luck, a bring your own healing recipe party.  This was quite a few weeks back now, but I still wanted to share one final summer recipe with you!  We made this delicious Vanilla Bean Ice Cream and also a Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream using coconut milk (which was a flop, and tasted much like mojito).  Everyone loved the light and fresh Vanilla Bean Ice Cream tho!

We found organic vanilla beans on sale at Byerly's grocery store - $6 for two beans (you only use one in the recipe), but the price is SO worth it!  Using a real vanilla bean adds such depth of flavor.  I tasted the batter before and after adding the bean, and it was night and day difference.  So if you're thinking of skimping, I recommend NOT!
Vanilla Bean Ice Cream
dairy free - gluten free - sugar free - delicious
Makes 1.5 Quarts

4 c organic full fat coconut milk
1 3/4 tsp pure liquid stevia (taste your batter and adjust if needed)
Pinch of sea salt
1 Tbsp organic pure vanilla extract
1 organic vanilla bean, slit lengthwise, and scraped

Stir all ingredients together and  freeze in an electric or hand operated ice cream maker.  We use an old fashioned crank ice cream maker we received as a wedding gift.  I swear they make the best ice cream! :)

  • Coconut Ice Cream: Leave out the vanilla bean and add 1-2 cups shredded coconut.
  • Orange Sherbet: Omit vanilla and vanilla bean, add 1 Tbsp of orange oil and some fresh orange zest.
  • Berry Blast:  Omit vanilla bean, throw in 1 cup of organic mixed berries.
  • Peanut Butter Swirl: Omit vanilla bean and stir in 3/4 cup melted peanut butter.
  • Lemon Sherbet:  Omit vanilla and vanilla bean, add 1 Tbsp lemon oil and some fresh lemon zest, throw in 1 cup fresh organic blueberries.
Advanced Plan desserts can be fun, flavorful and SWEET!  You just have to experiment with fresh ingredients that you know your body can tolerate!
That's me, cranking away at the ice cream on our kitchen floor

Grass Fed Beef on SALE Today ONLY! Whole Foods

Wanted to share this SALE with as many people as I can today!  Whole Foods has all their grass fed ground beef on sale for today ONLY, September 3rd, $3.99/lb, regularly $5.99/lb.  Take advantage and get to your local WF and stock up!

A great little section from the WF blog post:

Here’s what I think are the most important aspects of grass-fed beef:
  • Grass-fed beef ranching is not only good for the animals, but involves managing natural resources and supporting local producers.
  • Grass-fed beef is a leaner choice and has a more favorable ratio of omega fatty acids.
  • Grass-fed beef is priced fairly for the producer and is worth every penny.
  • Grass-fed beef is a delicious alternative to grain-fed beef and cooks a little differently.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Gluten Free Lasagna

Wow, happy September everyone!  Where did the summer go?!  This is my last recipe from Dave's going away party -- Gluten Free Lasagna!  Hope you have enjoyed my menu.  Thank you for your ideas on future party recipes, I'll surely be trying some of your entries at our next one!

Coming up next post will be a sweet recipe for Vanilla Bean Coconut Ice Cream.  Yuummm I can't wait to share it with you!

Gluten FREE Lasagna
Makes 8 Servings (I made 3 9x13" dishes for the party, everyone took small chunks)

4-6 cloves garlic, minced (to taste)
1/4 c coconut oil
1-2 Tbsp anchovy paste (optional, but flavors the sauce nicely)
4 Tbsp fresh basil, chopped
1 tsp fresh oregano, chopped
2 Tbsp Italian parsley, chopped
Fresh black pepper
Crushed red pepper flakes
Pinch of stevia at the end
2  28oz cans Muir Glen organic crushed tomatoes
A splash or three of organic red wine (optional)

2 c fresh organic spinach, rinsed and chopped
4 c finely chopped organic vegetables (whatever you've got! this is a great way to use up zucchini and yellow squash from the garden!  egg plant, bell pepper, and onion are also great additions.)
1 1/2 lbs grass fed, hormone free ground beef or ground turkey
Tinkyada brown rice lasagna noodles  (on the Advanced Nutrition Plan?  Skip the noodles and substitute with more spinach leaves!  Layer raw leaves in just like you would the noodles.)
1 free range egg, beaten
15 oz organic, full fat ricotta cheese
2 Tbsp fresh chopped parsley
2 c raw mozzarella (I make my own, recipe to come one of these days...)
1/4 c raw Parmesan cheese, grated

1.)  THE SAUCE     Heat coconut oil in a large saucepan.  Add garlic and cook for about a minute.  Add anchovy paste, parsley, basil, and oregano.  Cook about 4-5 minutes or until the anchovy paste is thoroughly combined with the other spices.  Stir in the crushed tomatoes and red wine.  Simmer for 30-45 minutes.  Taste the sauce and adjust as needed (sea salt/pepper).

2.)  EVERYTHING ELSE   Prepare the marinara sauce and allow it to simmer while you prepare the rest of the dish.  Cook the noodles according to the package directions.

3.)  In a large skillet, brown the ground beef/turkey until cooked thru.  In a second skillet, saute the chopped veggies in a Tbsp of coconut oil until softened.

4.)  Once tomato sauce is ready, add cooked meat, veggies and chopped spinach to it.   Mix the ricotta cheese, chopped parsley, and beaten egg in a small bowl until well combined.

5.)  ASSEMBLY     Grease a 9x13" glass baking dish with coconut oil (primarily the sides and corners).  Spread 1/3 of the sauce mixture in the bottom of the pan.   Top with 4 noodles.   Spread 1/2 of the ricotta cheese mixture over noodles; spread with 1/3 of the sauce mixture.  Sprinkle with 2/3 cup of the mozzarella cheese.  Repeat with 4 noodles, the remaining cheese mixture, 1/3 of the sauce mixture and 2/3 cup of the mozzarella cheese.  Top with remaining noodles and sauce mixture.  Sprinkle with remaining mozzarella cheese and 1/4 cup freshly grated Parmesan cheese.

6.)  Cover with foil and bake for 30 minutes at 375 degrees F.  Uncover and bake about 15 minutes longer or until hot and bubbly.  Let stand 15 minutes before serving.