Thursday, April 22, 2010

Every Day Is Earth Day! How Do YOU Say Thank You?

Earth Day is about appreciating our planet and giving back.  I understand the goal of the marketed Earth Day is to make us concious about the pollution and situation our planet is in, but every year I can't help but want to scream out "What if we made these changes, dedicated this much time back to our Earth all year round!?  Come on people, green your LIFE!!"  So in honor of this special day, I wanted to share some resources for you to check out that will help you not only green your diet, but your entire lifestyle as well!

After going thru the books and blogs I've read or follow, I realized there are so many "green" resources out there.  After reading various resource books already, I've noticed most of these guidance books have the same information written a dozen different ways.  I want to send you to a great "Green Bible" if you will, something that will cover all the basic information for those of you who are newer to green living.

Dave and I were recently involved in a local expo called Restore.  The leading holistic healers and organic businesses from the Twin Cities were asked to be a part of Restore, and Revolution Wellness Center was asked to join that ranking again this year.  SO Dave and I headed out to the Depot to save more lives in our community.  At Restore, I came across the book "Gorgeously Green" by Sophie Uliano.  I actually ended up winning it in a door prize drawing, and was so excited to win!  We were getting ready to order it online the next week, so it was a blessing to win it and save a few bucks.  I've since been devouring the pages of Gorgeously Green and think it's just wonderful!  What I love most is Sophie's way of taking you through the "8 steps of going green."  It's not about sacrifice and suffering.  It's about living a cleaner healthier live for YOU, your family and our Earth.  Sophie will guide you thru the 8 steps and also walk you thru alternative products and different ways to live your life but still feel satisfied and happy.  I love it and highly recommend you order a copy for yourself!  Her website is also a fabulous resource -- find passwords throughout the book to access different areas of the site that will further help you make green lifestyle changes.  Gorgeously Green will help you eliminate toxins from every area of your life, even if you've already started to make changes.  Sophie has great tips many people don't think of on their own!  Can't say enough about this book, check it out!!

Here are some great online sources that I follow on a regular basis.  You never know what these amazing people are going to post on.  It's a great idea to start a blog roll specifically dedicated to Green, Natural Living so you can constantly get new tips.  If you don't have a blog of your own, you can still share your own Green ideas by posting comments on blogs like these ones.  Hundreds of people will read your comments -- you just might impact one or many more lives!

Nature Moms  I absolutely love and enjoy reading Tiffany's experiences taking her family into the eco-friendly lifestyle.  She also shares many of my same values (no-vaccines family, raw foods, gluten free, sustainable eating habits, holistic healing/no medications, etc), so that really appeals to me.  She is still missing the chiropractic puzzle piece to healing, but I trust in time that will happen.  Check her amazing blog for so many Green, natural mom , food and cleaning tips!  Outstanding!

Organic Mania  This blog is dedicated to making sense of healthy, green living.  These ladies do the research for you on making organic purchases, because let's face it..if you are going organic, there is a lot of time involoved researching the products and making sure the products are truly pure.  I love their saving money tips, too, because let's face it..going green can be expensive at times!

Tree Hugger  Such a cool place to get green information on just about any topic imaginable.  They won the 2010 Best of Green Award of Excellence.  You have to at least visit this site once and perouse, see if you find something you like.  I imagine you will be back.. :)

Take Action!  These are some places you can go to voice your opion and speak out 

Green Peace

In what ways have you said Thank You to Earth today?  All year round?  If it's new to you, take it one day at a time.  Make a list of changes you want to make over the next few months or year.  Introduce a new change each week.  Taking baby steps is key to not feeling overwhelmed with change.

Happy Earth Day!

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